
 They were making noises.Why can't I make noises? 他们也乱叫了啊 我怎么就不能

Sometimes I want to do it back to them.I know,I know. 有时候我就想回敬他们 是啊
Actually why they're cheering I'm always going,bop,beep. 他们欢呼的时候我总是闹怪声
Perfect cover,I'm on TV making terrible noises.That's the time to do it. 简直是绝佳的掩护 我在电视上闹怪调 时机正合适
Welcome to the show.We've got a great show tonight. 欢迎收看节目 今晚节目很棒
I think it will be one of our better shows.I think so too.Yeah. 我觉得会是我们最好的一期 我也这么想 嗯
This,Nice.This one is keeper.What does that even mean? 很棒的 真不错 这家伙真贤惠 这话什么意思啊
We're going to keep a copy of this one. 这期节目我们要留拷贝
We usually have them destroyed.We're not going to throw it back into the video stream. 我们一般做完就销毁 我们不会把节目拿出去流传
We're going to save this one.So much to talk about. 这期节目我们要留下 有很多可聊的
Huge,huge news about china.I don't know if you heard but china,this is official today, 一则关于中国的大新闻 不知道大家是否听说 今天正式宣布了
China has surpassed the US,now has the number one economy in the world. 中国已经超越美国 成了世界第一经济体
After hearing this,China's children asked,So now can we take a lunch break?Curious,now can we stop?No. 听到消息后 中国的孩子问 那我们现在能午休了吗 就问问 我们能休息吗 不能
I don't know why I'm,they are sawing iphones. 我这是做什么 他们在锯iPhone
They make iPhone on a long stick and then they saw them into little bricks.And there's a 6 plus right there. 他们把iPhone做在一个长条上 然后一块块锯下来 切一块6下来
That's how they grow in the forest.Grow long stems and apart. 林子里就这么长的 都是长在长长的茎上