经济学人: 技术移民逃离美国 奔向加拿大 (2)(在线收听

 Justin Trudeau, the prime minister, often underlines that in multicultural Canada, diversity is welcomed. 总理贾斯廷·特鲁多经常强调多元文化的加拿大欢迎多元化。

Publicly funded health care sometimes gets a mention. "All of this is designed to pivot Canada away from the nativist policies of Trump," 公立卫生保健有时会被提及。“所有这一切都有意让加拿大脱离特朗普本土主义者的政策,”
says Ravi Jain, a Toronto immigration lawyer who has many tech clients. 拥有众多技术客户的多伦多移民律师拉维·贾恩说到。
Such tactics seem to be working, especially with Indians, a mighty force in Silicon Valley, where they form the largest group of immigrant tech workers. 这种策略似乎可行,尤其是对印度人而言,他们是硅谷的主力,是移民技术工作者中的最大群体。
Indians from America and elsewhere snapped up almost half of the new temporary visas (processing time: two weeks) 来自美国和全世界的印度人抢先拿下了一半的新临时签证(处理时间:两周)
that Canada began issuing in June 2017 at the behest of the tech industry. 在科技行业的要求下,加大拿从2017年6月开始签发这种签证。
The number of Indian nationals taking the slightly longer route to permanent residency surged between 2016 and 2017— 选择永久居住(办理时间稍长)的印度人的数量在2016年到2017年之间激增—
up by 83% for those who entered under a federal skills programme, up by 122% for those selected by provinces to fill specific vacancies, 根据联邦技术计划进入的人数增长了83%,经各省选拨填补特定职位空缺的人数增长了122%,
and up by a whopping 538% for those who entered based on work experience. 那些给予本身工作经验进入的人数增长惊人达到535%。
"I can clearly see the reason why people are shifting to us," says Allen Lau, the chief executive of Wattpad. "The US is becoming less friendly." “我清楚地知道这些人奔向我们的原因,Wattpad董事长艾伦·刘说到。“美国变得越来越不友好。”
Still, the government knows it cannot be complacent, says Ahmed Hussen, minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship. 政府知道自己不能自满,加拿大联邦移民、难民及公民部部长艾哈默德·胡赛因表示。
It has set up research chairs at universities, overhauled support programmes 加拿大政府在大学举办研究讲座,对支持项目进行仔细审查
and in its most recent budget earmarked C$2.5bn over five years in direct industry funding for innovation. 并且在最近的预算中,政府为创新行业未来五年的直接投资留出了25亿加元。
It is one thing for Canada to attract disaffected immigrant tech workers from Silicon Valley. 对加拿大来说,从硅谷吸引不满的技术移民员工是一回事。
Now Maple Valley, as some call it, must make it worth their while to stay. 而现在枫树谷(一些人这么称呼它)必须要让自己成为值得留下来的地方。