向前一步:第181期 全能女人是个神话(14)(在线收听

 About two hours into the meal, the new mom was looking uncomfortable, glancing repeatedly at her cell phone. 晚宴进行了差不多2个小时,这位新妈妈看上去很不自在,不停地翻看自己的手机。

As a mother herself, Amy was sensitive to the situation. 出于同为母亲的敏感,
"Do you need to leave and pump?" she whispered to her colleague. 埃米悄声问她:“你是不是得回去喂奶了?”
The new mom sheepishly admitted that she had brought her baby and her mother to the conference. 她不好意思地承认她已经把孩子和自己的母亲都带过来了,
She was looking at her cell phone because her mother was texting her that the baby needed to be fed. 而且她母亲刚发短信给她说孩子要吃奶。
Amy encouraged the new mom to leave immediately. 埃米让她马上赶过去照看孩子。
Once she left, the young mother's mentor, an older male physician, admitted that he had no idea that she had brought her baby. 这位新妈妈刚走,她的导师、一位年长些的男医生就说自己根本不知道她把孩子也带来了,
If he had known, he would have encouraged her to leave earlier. 他要是知道的话,一定会同意她早点离开。
She was torturing herself unnecessarily. 在我看来,她这样折腾自己实在没必要。
This is one instance where I would have recommended not to sit at the table. 在这种情况下,我不建议女人们“往桌前坐”。
Technology is also changing the emphasis on strict office hours since so much work can be conducted online. 科技进步也在改变着严格按照工作时间办公的传统,很多时候我们可以通过网络实现即时办公及远程办公。
While few companies can provide as much flexibility as Google and Facebook, other industries are starting to move in a similar direction. 尽管很少有公司能够提供像谷歌和脸谱网这样灵活的工作制度,但一些行业也开始往这个方向发展。
Still, the traditional practice of judging employees by face time rather than results unfortunately persists. 不幸的是,通过观察出勤次数而非工作结果来判断工作业绩的传统做法还在持续着。
Because of this, many employees focus on hours clocked in the office rather than on achieving their goals as efficiently as possible. 所以,许多员工更关注自己在办公室里待了多长时间,而不是如何尽可能高效地达成工作目标。
A shift to focusing more on results would benefit individuals and make companies more efficient and competitive. 如果把焦点转移到工作结果上,就会让员工个人受益,公司的运行效率也会更高、更有竞争力。
In his latest book, General Colin Powell explains that his vision of leadership rejects 美国前国务卿科林·鲍威尔将军解释说,他脑子里的领导者形象不是一个成天泡在办公室、
"busy bastards" who put in long hours at the office without realizing the impact they have on their staff. 不顾自己行为对员工影响的“忙个不停的怪物”。