
 And that's such a good feeling. 这种感觉实在是太好了

Getting fire going just from hand drill,with no matches or anything, 用钻木取火的方式来生火 不用火柴或者其它东西
and, you know, the answer to so much of survival is all around us. 你知道  帮我们在野外求生的东西 就在我们身边
People have been doing this sort of thing for thousands of years, 前人用这种方法生火 已经有几千年了
and we survive if we listen to them. 只要我们谨遵前人教诲  我们就能生存
My fire going,I can skin this snake and get it cooked. 火在熊熊燃烧 我要把这条蛇剥皮然后烤熟
Take the rattle off,give that has a present to my little boy, 把尾巴砍掉 把这个带回去送给我小儿子当礼物
and then the meat of this just rest on a bit of this devil's walking stick. 然后我要把这条蛇 放在"恶魔的手杖"上面
Good thing about this -- because of all the spikes,it's gonna grip to it really nicely. 这样做的好处就是  因为上面有很多刺 所以可以把蛇肉牢牢地钉在上面
And then the green wood won't burn.The snake will cook.That's supper. 而且这种木材点不着 蛇肉会自然地烤熟 我的晚餐就有着落了
There's still light to collect some creosote bush for a mattress. 外面还有亮光 我准备出去找一些"石炭酸灌木"来作垫子
They say that in survival terms,a good night's sleep is as good as a meal. 人们常说在野外求生的时候 良好的睡眠 和饮食同样重要
Now I've got both.This is good stuff to sleep on,not only 'cause the bugs hate it, 现在我二者皆备了 这些是铺垫子的好材料 不仅是因为虫子对它敬而远之
keeps them away from me,but it also masks my smell, 可以让我免受虫子的打扰 而且它还能掩盖我的气味
which is gonna help me keep the mountain lions away from this cave. 这样美洲狮就不会来我这里"做客"了