
 But today's flight is no rescue mission. 但今次出航的目的不是救援

Its purpose is to deploy me into harsh glacier terrain high up in the Chugach mountains. 而是要把我撂在楚加奇山脉中 严酷的冰川高地上
I plan to rappel. As a combat chopper,this pave hawk is the ideal platform for a rapid insertion. 我计划顺着绳索滑下  作为战斗直升机 这架铺鹰式战斗机是理想的速降平台
I'm 80 foot up, and the only way is down. 我从80英尺高空径直下落
I'm safely on the deck,and the helicopter is out of here. 我成功着陆 而直升机便离去了
We're quite high up in the mountains, look.And that is a proper Alaskan mountain view. 我们正身处山巅之上  看啊 这才是阿拉斯加的山景
God, first thing you notice is just how cold it is up here.You know, we left the base at sea level. 来到这里的第一感觉就是太冷了 我们出发的基地海拔和海平面差不多
But up here, we're about four or five thousand feet.It's a different ball game. 但这里海拔有四五千英尺 简直就是天差地别
Every 1,000 foot you drop, temperatures rise about five degrees. 每降低一千英尺 温度上升五度
So it could be 25 degrees warmer at sea level. 所以海平面比这里高25度
Even better,most Alaskans live near the coast, 更好的是 大多数阿拉斯加人住在海岸附近
so if you get stuck out here,your best plan is to head for the sea. 如果你被困在这里 最好的出路就是向海边进发
But in this harsh place,getting there is never gonna be easy. 但在这样的不毛之地 到达海边可不是件容易之事
My best route off this mountain is to head for the vast glacier below, 我最好的下山之路 就是向下面广阔的冰川前进
but that means crossing a dangerous scree slope. 但这意味着要通过危险的碎石坡路
The frost-shattered rock is hard, sharp,and treacherous underfoot. 挂霜的岩石坚硬而尖锐 而且容易松动
Getting onto the glacier will be no walk in the park. 走在冰川上 可不像逛公园