
 Sharp, hurried movements could dislodge the bollard.Seems to be holding at the moment. 突兀的大动作可能会使绳索脱离冰柱 现在看起来还能挺得住

But the longer it's forced to take my weight,the greater the chance it will collapse. 但它承受我的体重时间越长 崩塌的可能性就越高
You see these blocks I'm standing on.They're acting as, like, a little walkway. 看到我踩的这些石头了吗 它们差不多形成了一条 通道
So if these go,we're just gonna get jammed down this thing. 如果没有它们 我们就会被卡在这里面
If you get trapped down here,your chances of getting out are almost zero. 若不幸陷身于此 生还的机会几乎为零
Okay, let's keep moving down this. 咱们沿着这里继续让下走
The movement of meltwater has formed a labyrinth of tunnels. 积雪融水流动形成的通道如同迷宫
These could be my way out.Not a good place to be if you're a little bit claustrophobic. 这可能是我的脱身之路 这里可不适合有幽闭恐惧症的人
Now, all of this really is just a snow bridge over a crevasse that's filled in.It should be strong enough. 这其实只是 一座在冰缝间的雪桥 但应该足够坚固了
The frozen bodies of climbers have been disgorged from glaciers decades after they were caught in ice vises like this. 攀登者们被冰封的尸体 在这样的冰缝中埋藏了数十年后 才最终显露出来被人发现
So I'm looking for the quickest route out of here.We're getting to daylight here. 所以我正全力寻找最快的出路 这里有阳光了
See if we can punch through some of this. 看能不能用拳头把这击穿
The world beyond my glacier dungeon is tantalizingly close, 这冰雪地牢之外的世界 看似近在咫尺
but there's an ice wall to get through.It's too thick to punch, so I'm gonna use my feet. 但却隔着一堵冰墙 这墙太厚了无法击穿  只好用脚了
The ice has given a way just enough,but this is gonna be a really tight squeeze. 这冰洞大小刚刚够 我要挤一挤才能出去