
 I'm on a deserted island, there's a boat on horizon. 我身处荒岛  海平线处有艘船只

I gonna get ashore and light my signal fire. 我要赶紧上岸  点燃我的求救烟火
Get this rope up the beach.It's a race against time. 把这根绳子拖上岸这是一场与时间的竞赛
Look, there you go, on the horizon.See it? It's a mast. 快看  看海平线那儿 看见了么  那是船的桅杆
Okay, let's get on the hill, get the signal fire lit. 好吧  我们上山  点火发求救信号
Every second here is valuable to the survivor.Go on, get lit. Here we go, okay. 此时每一秒对于幸存者来说都是宝贵的 继续打火  好了  点着了
The flip-flops are beginning to kick in now, a bit of the black smoke. 拖鞋也被点燃了 冒出一些黑烟
On a calm day, the human voice can be heard over 10 miles away over water,but not today. 风平浪静的天气里  人的声音在水上 能传到10英里以外 但今天运气不好
The problem is the wind's blowing this way, 很不巧  风在朝反方向吹
and that's gonna mean my sound's not gonna carry far,definitely not far enough for them. 这就意味着我的呼救声传不了那么远 至少无法让船上的人听见
And I guess for the survivor to experience disappointment like that, 我想  这实在是太打击人了
seeing what you hope is gonna be rescue,to see that disappear,that must be so hard. 看见获救的希望近在咫尺 又眼睁睁的看它消失 这种经历太纠结了
And then it just becomes this battle to keep your hope and your spirits high. 然后  就只剩下你自己在希望与绝望的边缘上挣扎
And that's why they say the real battle for survival is actually in your mind and in your heart. 这就是为什么人们说 生死考验 实际上考验人的意志与心志