
 This region has a large population of grizzlies 这个地区灰熊数目很多

who are considered by some experts to be the most aggressive species of bear. 有些专家认为 灰熊是最具攻击性的熊类之一
Well, at least we get some protection from bears up here. 至少在这儿上面 我可以远离熊  保护自己
Doesn't feel very stable, though. 就是感觉不太牢固
It's dry up here in the attic but it's far from cozy 阁楼上很干燥 但却一点也不暖和
And this willow is great for sleeping on.It's really good and springy. 睡在柳木上感觉非常好 非常有弹性
It's like nature's mattress. 像是天然的床垫
Reaching up on their hind legs,a grizzly could get me from here. 如果灰熊直立起来 还是可以从下面就抓到我
What I need is an early warning system. 我需要一个防熊预警系统
I'm gonna use paracord to make a trip wire 我准备用降落伞线作个绊索
which will run right across the doors and windows.You know that will do. 设置在所有门和窗户前面 这种装置很有效
I've tied an old pitchfork to the wire and put a section of stovepipe on the ground. 把旧的干草耙系在线索上 然后将一段烟囱放在地上
This is just gonna act as like like a trip wire, 这样摆放后 就形成一个绊索了
so if anything comes in through the windows or the doors, and trigger this 当有东西从窗户或门进来时  碰到机关
And knock all of that tin,and then we'll know all about it. 就会打翻这个烟囱 我们就知道有东西进来了
See, the weather's definitely worsening outside, anyway,which means it's even more likely 看  外面的天气明显越来越糟了 就是说  动物们更有可能
that animals are gonna be seeking a bit of refuge in here. 到这儿来躲避风雨