
 When I first started working at Arnold Palmer Hospital, always the youngest on the team has to take call over Christmas. 我刚开始在 Arnold Palmer 医院工作时,总是团队里最菜的要在圣诞节值班。

So, on Christmas Eve, I got called because there was a young girl, four years old, 所以,在圣诞夜,我被叫去值班,因为有个年轻小女孩,四岁,
who came in to the emergency room the night before with vomiting, and headaches, and trouble walking. 她前晚进到急诊室,伴随着呕吐、头痛、和行走困难。
And when we did some MRIs of her brain, she was found to have a brain tumor. 然后当我们替她做脑部核磁共振造影时,她被发现有一颗脑瘤。
And I remember going into the family's room on the 24th of December to have to tell them that their daughter had a brain tumor, 然后我记得在12月24号这天要进到亲属休息室去告诉他们,他们的女儿有颗脑瘤,
and that it was a malignant cancerous brain tumor. And I'll never forget that the dad said to me, 而那是一颗恶性脑瘤。而我永远不会忘记那位爸爸对我说的话,
he said, "Will I ever get to walk my daughter in her wedding?"  他说:“我将来究竟能陪我女儿在她的婚礼上走红毯吗?”
I said to him at that point, I said, "I don't know, but we're gonna try damn hard to make that happen." 我在那时候告诉他,我说:“我不知道,但我们会死命尽全力试着让那发生。”
She had three surgeries to remove the tumor, because it kept growing back. 她动了三次手术来移除肿瘤,因为肿瘤一直重新长回来。
She underwent chemotherapy for over a year and a half. 她接受超过一年半的化疗。
She's been off her therapy now for six months. And you know, she's actually doing great. 她现在已经远离她的治疗六个月了。而你知道,她真的复原得不错。
She doesn't have any evidence of the tumor whatsoever. 她没有任何肿瘤的迹象。
She's back in school, happy, playful. And I remember that I told the father, 她回到学校,快乐、活泼可爱。然后我记得我告诉那位父亲,
I said, "The only thing I've ever wanted is to be able to go to her wedding one day." 我说:“我至今想要做到的唯一一件事,就是有一天能参加她的婚礼。”
He told me a couple of weeks ago that he was planning to have me walk her. 他几周前告诉我他计划让我陪她走红毯。
When that dad gives me a call and tells me to walk Chloe down the aisle for her wedding, 当那位爸爸打给我,然后告诉我去牵着 Chloe 在她的婚礼走过红毯时,我大概在那之后就会退休了,
I'll probably retire after that, because I don't think there could be a greater high, or sense of fulfillment after that.  因为我不认为在那之后还能有更高的成就、或更大的满足感。
It's a truth... 这是真话...