美国小学英语教材6:第75课 闪烁的翅膀(5)(在线收听


An hour or two later the heated air began to quiver suddenly. 一两个小时后,热空气突然开始颤动。
Clint glanced quickly toward the mountain range. 克林特迅速地向山脉处瞥了一眼。
He saw the sky grow dark and wrap the peaks in a thickening blanket of gray. 他看到天空渐渐变暗,山峰被一层厚厚的灰色所覆盖。
"The goats are headed this way by now," he said to himself. 山羊现在正往这边走。”他自言自语道。
"They'll come in all right." And he went on splitting the day's supply of stove wood. “他们会来的。”他继续把可供一天使用的柴火劈成两半。
Another hour passed, when a blinding storm suddenly chilled the air with driving sleet. 又过了一个小时,一场使人眩目的的暴风雨突然降临,猛烈的雨夹雪使天气变得寒冷起来。
With quick decision Clint flung himself into the saddle and spurred his horse up the trail. 克林特果断地纵身跨上马鞍,策马沿着小径疾驰而去。
Soon he was at the side of old Andres, the herder, helping him rush the flock ahead of the storm. 不久,他就赶到了牧人老安德烈斯这里,帮助他赶在暴风雨之前驱赶羊群。
The pattering of those nimble feet sounded down the rocky slopes like the music of many little hammers. 那敏捷的脚步踏过岩石的斜坡时发出的啪嗒啪嗒声,就像许多小锤子演奏的乐声。
The noise of the goats crashing through the dry brush sounded good to the boy entrusted with their safety. 对那个负责山羊安全的男孩来说,羊群在干枯的灌木丛中哗啦哗啦地跑的声音,听起来很不错。
With a sigh of thankfulness he swung to the ground beside the corral gate to count the goats as they scudded to shelter. 在羊群快速地跑到畜栏里面的时候,他感激地叹了口气,倒在了畜栏门旁边的地上,数着跑向畜栏里面羊群的数目。
Jose's five hundred from the lower camp were already penned. "Help me, Jose!" he directed. 约瑟下层阵营的五百人已经被关起来了。“帮帮我,约瑟!”
The younger herder stepped opposite. "One hundred." The rapid, accurate count tallied. Then "Two." Now "Three hundred!" And "Thirty." 年轻的牧民走到对面。“一百”。迅速而准确的计数开始了。然后“两百”。现在,“三百零三十”。
In swift alarm Clint looked up. His eyes searched the near-by hills. 克林特惊慌地抬起头来,他的眼睛巡视着周边的小山。
Not another goat—anywhere. "Andres!" he called to the old herder," who came limping after the last stragglers, where are the rest of the goats? 别处已经没有山羊了。“安德烈斯!”他向那个老的牧民喊道,“谁一瘸一拐地跟着羊群中最后一只羊来着?其余的山羊去哪里了?”
One hundred seventy missing! " The old man dropped his staff and threw up both hands as he replied: Who knows where they are! 整整少了170只!”老人扔下手杖,举起双手回答说:“谁知道他们在哪儿!”
He shrugged. "Who knows!" But snatching up his staff, the herder set off in a hurried trot up the slope. 牧人耸了耸肩。“谁知道!”但他抓起自己的杖,急匆匆地向山坡上跑去。