欧美人文风情第159篇:跟着Emma Watson 为性别平等发声(在线收听

 Hi! So, March, Sunday, the 8th—that doesn't make sense. 嗨!这个嘛...三月星期天八号--那样说怪怪的。

Sunday, the 8th of March—it's International Women's Day! 三月八号星期天--这天是国际妇女节!
This is very exciting. 这真令人感到兴奋。
And I hope that you will also be excited because I am going to be conducting a live Q&A in London answering your questions about gender equality. 我希望你同样感到兴奋,因为我要在伦敦进行一场直播问答活动,回答你们有关性别平等的问题。
I'm also hoping that you might want to be a member of the audience. 我同样也希望你们可能会想当观众之一。
If you would like to be a member of the audience, there is a form on my Facebook page which you can fill out, 如果你想要当观众之一,在我的 Facebook 页面上有张你可以填的表格,
telling me how you are advancing gender equality, or telling me about how gender inequality has affected your life, 告诉我你如何促进性别平等,或告诉我性别不平等曾怎样影响你的人生,
or you can send me some questions. 或者你可以寄给我一些问题。
If you can't be there in person, Facebook are livestreaming the event, which is very exciting, 如果你没办法亲自到场,Facebook 会直播这场活动,那真是太令人激动了,
and I hope that you will tune in and watch. 我希望你会收看。
And...I think that's all the information I have to convey—other than just to say thank you so much for all of your support and participation so far. 然后...我想那就是所有我要传达的资讯了--除了向你们说非常感谢你们到目前为止所有的支持和参与外。
It's been absolutely amazing, and just amazing adventure, journey, experience for me. 这一切完全令人难以置信,而且,这对我来说就是一场惊人的冒险、旅程、难以置信的经验。
So, thank you, thank you. You guys are really awesome. 所以,谢谢你们,谢谢你们。你们大家真的太棒了。
Okay, that's all. Bye. 好了,就这样啦。再见。