
 How is HIV transmitted? 爱滋病毒如何被传播?

HIV is present in the blood, breast milk, and the semen, vaginal fluids from infected people.  爱滋病毒存在于来自受感染者的血液、母乳,以及精液、阴道分泌液中。
The virus can only be passed on to another person if these fluids get into his or her body. 这病毒只在这些液体进到他或她的体内时才有可能被传给别人。
The ways HIV can be transmitted are sex without a condom, sharing infected needles, syringes, or other injecting drug equipment;  爱滋病毒会被传播的途径有:无套性交、共用受感染针头、注射器,或其他药物注射器具;
from an HIV-positive mother to her baby during pregnancy, birth, or breastfeeding. 也会从一位阳性反应的母亲在怀孕期间、生产,或哺乳时传给她的宝宝。
But HIV cannot be passed on through kissing, touching, spitting, coughing, or sneezing;  但爱滋病毒不会透过亲吻、触摸、吐口水、咳嗽,或打喷嚏被传递;
through toilet seats, swimming pools, or shared facilities, even utensils. 也不会经由马桶座、游泳池,或共用设备,甚至是餐具来传递。
And it cannot be passed on by insects, like mosquitoes. 而且爱滋病毒不会透过昆虫传递,像是蚊子。
No ifs, no buts, no maybes. 没有万一、没有但是、没有也许。