
 Dear Teacher, 亲爱的老师:

I know it doesn't always seem like it, but I really do want to listen and learn. 我知道事情可能不总是看起来像这样,但我真的想要听你说话和学习。
It's just my brain is kinda different. 只是我的脑袋有点不一样。
So this is what I'd like you to know about me. 所以这是我想要你了解我的事情。
I have to move, or I really can't pay attention. 我必须动来动去,不然我真的没办法专心。
Even though I'm not looking at you, I can still listen to what you're saying. 就算我没有看着你,我还是可以听你在说什么。
If you tell me, "Sit up straight," now I have to use all of my brain to do just that. 如果你告诉我:“坐好”,现在我得花所有脑力去只做那件事。
It makes me feel sad...when you tell me to try harder, 这让我觉得很难过...当你叫我更努力时,
even though I've already tried as hard as I can. 即使我已经尽我所能去做了。
I actually listen better when I'm rocking in my chair. 我在晃椅子时其实比较听得进去。
When you give me a bunch of directions, I start to think,  在你给我一堆指令时,我开始想,
I will never remember all of this! 我永远都记不得这全部!
Sometimes my mom or dad ends up doing all of my homework. 有时我妈妈或爸爸变成最后帮我做所有功课。
So here's how you could maybe help! 所以这是你或许能帮上忙的方法!
Let me get up and move while I'm learning. 让我在学习时站起来和移动。
Let me look wherever I want when you talk to me. 在你跟我说话时让我看我想看的地方。
Let me rock or slouch in my chair. 让我摇来摇去或瘫在椅子上。
No matter what, please don't take away my recess. 无论如何,请不要收走我的休息时间。
Give me homework I can do all by myself. 给我我能自己完成的回家作业。
Make directions very short. 让指示简短有力。
Just ask me, "What does your brain need right now?" 只要问我:“你的脑袋现在需要什么?”
And one more thing: My brain might be different than yours, but it's still amazing. 还有一件事:我的大脑可能和你的不同,不过它还是很棒。
Sincerely, 诚挚的,
Your student 你的学生
Your student 你的学生
Your student 你的学生
Your student 你的学生