
 Berlin, 1987 柏林,1987 年

My father was a guard on the west side of the Berlin Wall, while another man guarded the east.  我父亲是柏林围墙西侧的守卫,而另一个男人则看守东侧。
Eventually, the wall came down.  终于,墙倒下了。
But even after moving away, my father carried a piece of it with him.  不过就算搬走后,我父亲仍带着围墙的一片碎片在身上。
While I grew up, it lingered over all of us,  当我长大,那阴影仍跟着我们,
a barrier between him and the rest of the world. 一道父亲和其余世界间的屏障。
I decided I would help by taking him back to Berlin to show him the beautiful place it had become. 我决定要带父亲回柏林看看它成了多美的地方来帮助他。
When we arrived, the stranger who answered the door became familiar. 当我们抵达时,应门的陌生人渐渐变得熟悉。
The guard who patrolled the opposite side of the wall now welcomed us as a friend.  以往巡逻围墙另一边的守卫如今以朋友的身份欢迎我们。
After that, things were better for my father. 在那之后,父亲的情况就好转了。
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