
 Have you ever asked yourself who made your clothes? Quite possibly it was a child 你曾问过自己,你的衣服是谁做的吗?很可能是一个小孩

one of millions working for the fashion industry, 16 hours a day, under miserable conditions.  替时尚产业付出血汗的数百万名孩童之一,一天工作十六小时,处在糟糕的环境。
You can either just accept it, or you can do something about it. And that's what we did. 你可以就接受这现象,或你可以做点事。而我们就是选择做点事。
To uncover the ruthless malls within the fashion industry, we carried out a simple field test...by doing the unthinkable.  为了要揭露时尚产业里无良商场的真面目,我们进行了一个简单的实地试验……做意想不到的事情。
Children offering their cheap workforce to the big fashion brands in the First World... 小孩提供便宜劳力给在第一世界的时尚大牌……
online, on the phone, and even directly in the stores. 用网路、电话,甚至直接到店家。
We said we would work all day long, without breaks. We got rejected everywhere. 我们说我们可以工作一整天,完全不用休息。每个地方都拒绝我们。
Fashion Industry, children in the First and Third World aren't different. We reject your double standards.  时尚业:第一世界的孩子和第三世界的孩子没有不同。我们拒绝你们这样的双重标准。
And we call on everyone to join us. 我们呼吁所有人加入我们。