
 What kind of movie does it look like? 那看起来像哪种电影?

It looks like...maybe a grown-up movie not meant for kids. My mom would not let me see this movie. 它看起来像...可能是一部大人的电影,不是给小孩看的。我妈妈不会让我看这部电影。
Hi, my name is Alexa, and I'm five years old, and my favorite color is blue. 嗨,我的名字是 Alexa,我五岁,我最喜欢的颜色是蓝色。
Hello. 哈啰。
Hi, Alexa. 嗨,Alexa。
Tell us exactly what you can see. 完整告诉我们妳可以看到什么。
It looks like an old man and an old lady, and the lady looks mad at the man, and the man just looks like... 这看起来像一个老先生和一个老太太,然后老太太看起来在生老先生的气,老先生看起来就像...
Maybe she's angry that he didn't rake the farm? 她搞不好在气他没有把农场耙平?
And she's like, "Hey! Rake the farm already! You want to have more vegetables!" 然后她就会说:「嘿!快去把农场耙一耙!你想种出多点蔬菜好吗!」
Is it American Gothic by Grant Wood? 是不是格兰特?伍德的〈美国哥德式〉?
Yes! 没错!
What do you see this time? 妳这次看见什么?
There is a picture of a person out at night at the ocean, and it looks like nighttime. 有幅一个人晚上外出到海边的画,那看起来像是天黑了。
She has, like, a red bathrobe. Her eyebrows are, like, bented down, like... 她有一件红色浴衣。她的眉毛往下弯,像是...
Maybe she wanted to stay at the beach a little longer but she couldn't because it was already turning to nighttime. 有可能是她想在海滩待久一点不过却不行,因为已经要变晚上了。
And she's all alone? 她一个人而已?
Yeah. 对。
What are you thinking, Max? Max,你在想什么?
I'm thinking it's narrowed it down to many hundreds of portraits. 我在想,这已经把范围缩小到几百幅肖像画了。
Yeah. 真的。
On her bathrobe, it has, like, Chinese signs on it. 她的浴衣上有像是中国符号在上面。
I'm wondering if maybe it's a Japanese print, like a Hiroshige print, or a ukiyo-e print from the late 19th century. 我在想这有没有可能是日本版画,像是歌川广重的版画,或十九世纪晚期的浮世绘。
Take a guess. Press the button. 猜一下啊。按按钮。
Okay. I'm gonna guess that it's a Japanese ukiyo-e print. 好。我猜那是幅日本浮世绘。
No. 不是。
No! I didn't get it. Okay. 不是!我没猜中。好吧。
Can you do us a drawing? 妳可以帮我们画看看吗?
Sure. 没问题。
I think it's Frida Kahlo, Self-Portrait. Ding, ding, ding. 我想那是芙烈达?卡萝的〈自画像〉。叮叮叮答对了。
Tell me exactly what you see. 把妳看到的完完全全告诉我。
I can see...pirates. Like, they're at their home with all their stuff, and they're looking for things, 我可以看到...海盗。像是,他们和全部的东西在家,然后他们在找东西,
but they're just laying there with their arm on the table, and there's one that has a really fluffy coat on. 不过他们就只是把手臂放在桌上靠在那,还有一个海盗穿着毛茸茸的外套。
He looks like the captain. 他看起来像是船长。
How many pirates are there? 有几个海盗?
There's only two. 只有两个。
Is there a white smear at the bottom? 底下有滩白白的东西吗?
Yes. 有。
I think it's The Ambassadors by Holbein. 我想那是霍尔班的〈使节〉。
Ding, ding, ding. 叮叮叮答对了。
Nice one, Max. 答得好,Max。
You both did a great job, but there's only one winner. To Max! 你们两个都做得很好,不过赢家只有一个。给 Max!
Thank you so much. 非常谢谢。
You're welcome. 不客气。
You see, that's a skull. That's its jaw and that's the back of its head. See it now? 妳看,那是颗骷髅头。那是它的下巴然后那是它的后脑勺。看到了吗?
Yeah. 有。