
 Daddy is the sweetest daddy in the world. 爹地是世界上最贴心的爹地。

Daddy is the most handsome. The smartest. The most clever. The kindest. 爹地最帅。最聪明。最机灵。最善良。
He is my superman. Daddy wants me to do well at school. 他是我的超人。爹地希望我在学校好好表现。
Daddy is just great. But...he lies. 爹地超棒的。但 是...他说谎。
He lies about having a job. He lies about having money. 他骗我他有工作。他骗我他有钱。
He lies that he is not tired. He lies that he is not hungry. 他骗我他不累。他骗我他不饿。
He lies that we have everything. He lies about his happiness. 他骗我我们什么都有。他骗我他很快乐。
He lies...because of me. 他说谎...是因为我。