
 The Huffington Post wants you to take food waste seriously. 《赫芬顿邮报》想要你认真看待食物浪费议题。

According to the FAO, 1.3 billion tons of food are wasted every single year. 根据联合国粮食及农业组织调查,每一年有十三亿吨食物被浪费掉。
That's the weight of 260 million elephants. 那是两亿六千万头大象的重量。
According to the NRDC, 40 percent of food in the United States goes uneaten. 根据自然资源守护委员会记录,美国有百分之四十的食物没被吃下肚。
All of this waste is costing Americans about 165 billion dollars annually. 这所有浪费每年耗损美国人民约一千六百五十亿美元。
And that's enough to feed all of the world's malnourished people. 那足以喂饱全世界营养不良的人们。
The production of food that is wasted generates 3.3 billion tons of greenhouse gases. 生产那些被浪费的食物制造出三十三亿吨温室气体。
If the world's wasted food was a country, it would be the third largest emitter of greenhouse gases. 如果全世界浪费的食物是一个国家,那会是温室气体的第三大排放国。
After years of inaction, attitudes are changing, but we need your help. 在几年的漠视后,态度开始改变了,但我们需要你伸出援手。
It's time to recognize the scale of the world's food waste and work in collaboration to reduce it. 是时候了解世界食物浪费的规模,并同心协力减少浪费。
We can reclaim our love for food by feeding the world. 我们可以从喂饱这世界来找回对食物的爱。
Start the conversation. Incite change. Reclaim. 开启对话。激起改变。回收。