
 My name is Zev Hoover. I take pictures of miniature people. And they've, sort of, exploded online recently. 我的名字是 Zev Hoover。我拍摄迷你人的照片。而它们,可以说,最近在网络上爆红起来。

I wanted to improve my Photoshop skills, so I started the "little folk" project, 我想要增进我修图的能力,所以我开始了「小小人」计划,
which is started as just a way of getting better at Photoshop. 它一开始只是用来精进修图的一种方式。
After about a year of doing the little folk pictures, they got picked up by some design blogs, and then it just, sort of, exploded. 拍摄小小人照片大约一年后,它们被一些设计部落格采用,然后一切就,可以说是,爆红起来。
Nature is very important in my work and definitely inspires a lot of it. 大自然在我的创作中非常重要,而且绝对启发很多灵感。
And I think a lot of that comes from living where we do. Aliza, my sister, is very often the character in the pictures. 我想那很多源自于我们居住的地方。Aliza,我的姊姊,经常是照片中的角色。
Yeah, that's fine. Let me just see what sort of background you're gonna be on. 对,那很好。让我看一下妳会在怎样的背景上。
I find my inspiration a lot of the time just in the scenes that I photograph. 我很多时候就只是在我拍摄的景物中找到灵感。
So, just thinking about how sort of fun it would be, how different that would be to experience, if you were, like, one-and-a-half or two inches tall. 所以,想想看这会多有趣、会有多么不一样的体验,如果你只有象是一英吋半或两英吋高的话。
Because the world would be, really, an entirely different place. 因为世界会变成,真的,一个截然不同的地方。
I certainly put a lot of myself into the characters because they almost always are doing some hobby I'm interested in, 我确实投入很多自我在角色中,因为他们几乎总是在做一些我有兴趣的嗜好,
or...or somehow related to something I happened to be doing at the time. 或...或是不知怎地和我碰巧在那段时间所做的事有关。
One of my most popular photographs is of me piloting a paper airplane. 其中一张我最受欢迎的照片是我在驾驶一架纸飞机的照片。
I think it's a popular picture because people like imagining. 我想它之所以是张热门的照片是因为人们喜欢想象。
I mean, I certainly think about how, in the photographs, 我的意思是,我确实想过如何,在照片中,
I try to evoke a sort of feeling of loneliness because I feel like there's something about that feeling that can be really very beautiful. 我试着唤起一种孤独感,因为我觉得那种感觉的某种特质是可以真的非常美丽的。
I think it's definitely possible that being homeschooled has inspired that because you are alone more often or with fewer people more often, 我觉得那一定有可能是在家自学唤起的,因为你更常一个人或更常和较少人在一起,
certainly, than if you were to go to public school. 当然,和上公立学校比的话。
Why? I make them for my own pleasure because I love making them. 为什么?我拍出它们是为了自己的快乐,因为我喜欢拍摄它们。
But at the same time, the comments and feedback, certainly, really encourages you to keep going 但同时,评论和反馈,无疑地,真的鼓励你持续往前,
because just knowing that people are passionate about it is incredible, that, you know, someone else would care about my little project. 因为光知道人们对这充满热忱就很不可思议,因为,你知道,有其他人会关注我的小计划耶。
But the Internet has made the world a lot smaller. 但网络让世界变小很多。
So anyone who is interested in this type of thing can now go on and just find my work that easily, 所以任何对这类型事物有兴趣的人现在可以上网并轻易地找到我的创作,
whereas, without the Internet, it would be almost impossible. 反之,若没有网络,这几乎是不可能的。
I would just be, like, taking pictures somewhere and no one would know about it, really—maybe forever. 我就会,像是,在某处拍拍照片,然后没有人会知道这件事,真的--也许永远没人知道呢。