
 Good afternoon, everyone. Good afternoon. 各位午安。午安。

We all have this one life to live—the fleeting shadow amongst all that exists in this vast universe. 我们都拥有这一个人生要过--浩瀚宇宙万物间转瞬而逝的幻影。
We have the ability to accomplish anything, truly anything, if we use our time wisely. Is this jar full? 我们有能力完成任何事,真的是任何事,如果我们聪明运用时间的话。这个罐子满了吗?
Yes. And is it full now? Yes. 满了。那它现在满了吗?嗯。
And how about now? Is the jar full now? Yes. 那现在呢?这罐子现在满了吗?满了。
Yeah, it is. Now I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. 是啊,是满了。现在我要你们了解这罐子就代表你的人生。
The golf balls are the important things: your family, your friends, your health, and your passions. 高尔夫球是那些重要的事物:你的家人、朋友、健康,还有热忱。
The pebbles are the other important things: your car, your job, your home. 小石头是其它重要的事:你的车、你的工作、你的家。
And the sand is everything else—it's just the small stuff. 而沙子是其它东西--只是些不重要的小东西。
Now if you put the sand into the jar first, you won't have room for the pebbles or the golf balls. And the same is true in life. 现在,如果你先把沙子放进罐子里,你就不会有空间放小石头或高尔夫球了。人生也是如此。
If you spend all your energy and your time on the small stuff, you won't have time for all the really important things that matter to you. 如果你花费所有精力和时间在微不足道的事物上,你就不会有时间留给对你来说真正重要的一切。
Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. 把焦点放在对你的幸福至为重要的事物上。
Take care of the golf balls first, the really important things. 先顾好高尔夫球,真正重要的那些事物。
Set your priorities, because everything else is...it's just sand. Yes. 设好优先级,因为其它的...就只是沙而已。是的。
Uh, professor, what does the beer represent? 呃,教授,那啤酒又代表什么?
I'm glad you asked. It goes to show that no matter how full your life may seem to be, there's always room for a couple of beers with a friend. 很高兴你问了。那是要告诉你们,无论你的人生看起来有多满了,总是有空间和好友喝个几杯啤酒。