
 The Good and Bad Habits of Smart People 聪明人的好习惯与坏习惯

Follow in the footsteps of some of the world's smartest people—just make sure you only pick up their good habits. 跟随一些世界上绝顶聪明的人的脚步--只要确保你仅学到他们的好习惯。
Have you ever tested your IQ? 你是否曾测过你的智商?
The intelligence quotient is an indicator of an individual's mental abilities relative to others of approximately the same age. 智力商数是一个人心智能力的指标,和其他约莫同龄的人相作比较。
The average IQ is around 100, whereas the average genius's IQ is 140 points or higher. 一般智商在一百左右,然而天才平均的智商在一百四十点或更高。
Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, and Ben Franklin's intelligence quotients are considered to be of extraordinary levels at 160, with Beethoven's at an astonishing 165! 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦、比尔·盖兹,及班杰明·富兰克林的智力商数被认为是在一百六十这样超群的水平上,而贝多芬的智商更达惊人的一百六十五!
What do high IQ individuals have in common? They are persistent. 高智商的人有什么共通点呢?他们坚持不懈。
For example, Albert Einstein didn't speak until he was four years old, Bill Gates' first business was a complete failure, 举例来说,爱因斯坦直到四岁才会说话、比尔·盖兹的第一个事业彻底失败、
Thomas Edison failed over 1,000 times before he created the first lightbulb, 汤玛斯·爱迪生在创造出第一个电灯泡前失败超过一千次,
and Benjamin Franklin dropped out of school at the age of 10. 而班杰明·富兰克林在十岁时退学。
They set goals. Those who set clearly defined goals and share their goals with their friends are 76 percent more likely to accomplish them. 他们订定目标。那些订定明确目标并和他们朋友分享的人,有高出百分之七十六的可能性会完成那些目标。
They are avid readers.By reading just 15 minutes a day, you'll digest more than 1,000,000 words every year. 他们热衷于阅读。藉由一天仅仅阅读十五分钟,你每年就能消化超过一百万个字。
They are self-disciplined and they think about thinking. 他们自律而且思考关于思考这件事。
Practicing metacognition increases self-awareness of one's own knowledge. 练习「后设认知」能增进一个人对自己所知的自我意识。
Nobody's perfect, not even those with a genius-level IQ. 没有人是完美的,甚至是那些拥有天才智商水平的人。
According to studies, there also tends to be certain negative behaviors exhibited by some of the most intelligent people. 根据研究,也有特定的负面行为倾向显现在一些最有才智的人身上。
They tend to drink and use drugs.Studies show that children with IQs greater than 125 are more likely to binge drink as adults. 他们容易酗酒和吸毒。研究显示智商高于一百二十五的孩童成年时更有可能酗酒。
Research shows that boys who score greater than 107 on their IQ tests were twice as likely, 调查显示在智力测验上得分高于一百零七的男生有两倍的可能性,
and girls three times as likely, to use drugs on a regular basis as the average adult. 而女生有三倍的可能,会经常吸毒,跟一般成人相较之下。
They are night owls and have anxiety. 他们是夜猫子且神经紧张。
Studies have shown that the higher the IQ, the later the bedtime, and the greater the instance of generalized anxiety disorder. 研究已显示智商越高,就寝时间就越晚,且广泛性焦虑症的实例越多。
While extreme intelligence has some negative associations, exhibiting these traits won't make you smarter! 尽管超高智商有一些负面的联想,但展现出这些特质并不会让你变得更聪明!