
 All right. Looking for a roommate. Oh! Wow! Some people are already interested. Well, let's see who they are. 好。寻找室友。噢!哇!已经有人有兴趣了。好,来看看他们是谁。

Oh, hey. Hey. This is my girlfriend, Bobo. Hi! Nice to meet you. 噢,嘿。嘿。这我女朋友,波波。嗨!很高兴见到妳。
Don't worry. We're gonna keep it down. 别担心。我们会压低音量的。
Yeah, keep it down. Come on! Please keep it down. 嗯,小声点啊。走吧!拜托要小声点啊。
Oh, hey! Oh, hey. How's it going? This is my roommate. 喔,嘿!喔,嘿。妳好吗?这是我室友。
Hi. This is Mel, my girlfriend. 嗨。这是小梅,我女朋友。
We already met, though. No, you didn't. I did. 不过我们早就见过啦。不,妳没见过。我有。
No, you definitely did not. But who's the other... Yeah... Oh! Oh... Oh! Hi. Hi. Bye. 不,妳肯定没有。不过另一个是谁...嗯...喔!喔... 喔!嗨。嗨。掰。
Huh, looks like I got a new roommate. Wait, wait, wait! 哈,看来我有新室友了。等等、等等、等等!
Oh, hey. Who are you? I'm Trevor's girlfriend. 噢,嘿。妳谁啊?我是崔佛的女朋友啊。
Wait, but I'm Trevor's girlfriend. 等一下,可是我才是崔佛的女朋友。
Whoa...there's two of you?! This will never happen again, I promise... 哇...妳们两个都来了?!这绝对不会再发生,我保证...
What are you talking about?! Are you serious? 你在说什么啊?!有没有搞错?
Andrew! I've been taking out the trash for the past three weeks now. Can you at least take it out, too? 安德鲁!过去三个礼拜都是我拿垃圾出去。你难道不能至少也把垃圾拿出去吗?
All right, Mom. You don't have to yell at me. Take it out later, yeah? 好啦,老妈子。妳又没必要吼我。等下就拿出去,可以了吧?
Oh my goodness! Why is there an avocado in here?! This means war. 我的老天鹅啊!这里怎么有颗酪梨?!这意味着战争。
Andrew. Did you drink my milk? What milk? Spaghetti... 安德鲁。你喝了我的牛奶吗?什么牛奶?意大利面...
Are you serious? It's, like, six a.m.! He's using a blender?! 认真的吗?现在才早上六点耶!他在给我用搅拌机?!
Rule one: No friends. Rule two: No boys. Rule three: Not out late. You don't like it? You go. Go, go! 规则第一条:禁带朋友。规则第二条:男生止步。规则第三条:不准晚归。妳不喜欢?妳就滚。滚啊、滚!
Why you so noisy? Quiet, quiet! Make no noise. 妳怎么这么吵啊?安静、安静!不要制造噪音。
I can't even sneeze in my own home? 我连在自己家打喷嚏都不行?
You touch my stuff? Why you touch my stuff? You move my things. I can't find them. Don't touch my stuff! 妳碰我的东西?妳为什么要碰我的东西?妳移动了我的东西。我这样就找不到了。不准碰我的东西!
I wasn't! I was just trying to get my sparkles! 我没有!我只是想拿我的巧克力米!
Oh, hey, you're Selina, right? I'm your roommate. 噢,嘿,妳是赛琳娜,对吧?我是妳的室友。
Hi! We're gonna be best friends! We're jumping! 嗨!我们一定会变成最要好的朋友!我们在跳来跳去耶!
Hey, girl. Okay, bye. Wait. Isn't that my hoodie? 嘿,女孩。好,掰啦。等等。那不是我的连帽外套吗?
Yeah, we're like sisters, right? We can share clothes. Bye, love ya! 对啊,我们就和姊妹一样,对吧?我们可以互穿衣服啦。掰,爱妳呦!
Ugh! Oh my God... Okay, last night, my boyfriend didn't text me back for, like, a whole hour. 哦!天啊... 好,昨天晚上啊,我男朋友他有大概整整一个小时没回我讯息耶。
Did you break the door? Because I locked it. Yeah. 妳破门而入吗?因为我有锁门。对啊。
Oh, hey, Will! Ha-ha! That's funny! I love all our talks. 噢,嘿,威尔!哈哈!真有意思!很高兴和你聊天。
Great, so I'm gonna go to school now, so I guess I'll see you... All right. 好,我现在要去学校了,我想我们到时见... 好吧。
You're still here? So, Will, I got you some extra food if you want it. I'm not really sure if it's your... Will? Will, did you move? 你还在这?威尔,如果你想吃的话,我有帮你多带点食物回来。我不确定你... 威尔?威尔,你刚刚动了吗?
So...I paid my share of my electricity bill already. I was wondering if you paid yours yet. I guess you haven't? My bad. 那么...我已经缴好我这部分的电费了。我在想你的缴了没。我猜你是还没缴吧?我的错。
Sorry, I'm just—I'm trying to be quiet, but, like, trying to express myself. 抱歉,我只是在--我试着要小声点,不过也试着在表达自我。
Do you love it? Did you paint my mom? 妳喜欢吗?妳画了我妈妈?
Yeah. The stories that you were telling me about her...I felt connected. I had...I had to put it on paper. 对啊。妳跟我说那些关于她的故事...让我很有感觉。我得...我一定要把那呈现在纸上。
To be honest with you, it's kinda weird. 老实跟妳说,这有点诡异。
Yeah, you just love surprising me with different things and... Yeah, I mean... 嗯,妳就是喜欢用不同东西来给我惊喜...对啊,我是说...
Wait, you got a dog? 等等,妳有一只狗?
She was very unhappy with our neighbor. You're gonna live with us now! 她对我们的邻居很不满意。妳现在就跟我们住啦!
I'm allergic to dogs. Oh, you could move out. 我对狗过敏。噢,那妳可以搬出去啊。