
 Hi, everyone! Everything around us has a certain shape, a certain color, 嗨,大家!我们身边的每样物品都有特定形状、特定颜色、

certain details for some particular reason, obviously because everything has a reason. 特定细节,因为某种特别原因,因为每样东西很显然都有存在的理由。
That's why we have prepared for you a selection of objects you probably didn't know what are for. 那就是为什么我们替你准备一系列你可能不知道有什么作用的物品。
Get ready to drop your jaw, and let's get it on. 准备好惊讶到下巴掉下来,我们开始吧。
Bobble on the hat: In winter, you and many other people probably wear bobble hats, but we bet you didn't know what the bobble is for. 帽子上的毛绒球:冬天时,你和其他许多人可能都会戴毛球帽,不过我们敢打赌你不知道那颗毛绒球是要做什么用的。
Well, apart from being fancy, the first bobble appeared in the 18th century. 这个嘛,除了好看以外,第一个毛绒球出现在十八世纪。
French Marines wore them. Back then, ship cabins had low ceilings, so bobbles were very important. 法国海军会戴它们。当时,船舱的天花板低矮,所以毛绒球就很重要了。
They prevented sailors from hurting their heads. Then, other countries began using this element in army uniforms. 它们让水手不会伤到头。后来,其他国家开始在军服中使用这个元素。
By looking at its shape and its color, you could know which branch of the military a soldier belonged to. 藉由看它的形状和颜色,你就可以知道一名士兵属于哪个军种。
Nowadays, it is pure decoration—although it might come in handy in a small room or if you're really freaking tall. 如今,这纯粹只是种装饰--虽然在小房间里可能还有用处,或如果你真的高得吓人时。
The hole in the Chupa Chups stick: Many people are in the wrong thinking that the hole in the stick prevents suffocation in case you swallow the stick. 加倍佳棒棒糖棒子上的孔:很多人都有错误观念,以为棒子上的孔是万一你吞下棒子时防止窒息用的。
It's not true, though. For this purpose, the whole stick is hollow. 不过那不是真的。因为这个原因,整根棒子都已经是中空的。
Other people believe that it's for you to whistle after you've finished your candy, but they're wrong, too. 其他人相信那是在你吃完糖果时吹口哨用的,不过他们也错了。
Don't believe us? Then try it out! So? 不相信我们吗?那就试吹看看!怎样?
Actually, this hole is designed especially for the candy not to fall. 事实上,这个孔是特别设计来让糖果不要掉落。
During production, when the stick is sunk in the still-liquid candy,the substance fills this hole first. 在制作过程中,当棒子沉入仍是液态的糖果时,糖果会先填满这个孔。
Once it's cooled down, this part fixes the whole candy. 一旦冷却后,这个部份就会固定住整支糖果。
Also, thanks to this invention, Chupa Chups are harder to swallow compared to other candies—one of the reasons why it's so popular. 此外,因为这个发明,加倍佳相较其它糖果来得难吞下--这是其中一个它为什么这么受欢迎的原因。
Creases on trousers, one of the integral parts of the business suit:But how did people come up with them, and why? 裤子上的摺痕,西装不可或缺的一部分:不过人们怎么想出摺痕这点子,原因又是什么?
Almost nobody knows. It happened in the end of the 19th century. 几乎没人知道。这发生在十九世纪末。
Clothes made at European factories were sent to other countries. 在欧洲工厂内制造的衣服被送往其他国家。
In order to fit as many clothes as possible into the ship's holds, it was folded and tamped. 为了在船舱内装进尽量多件衣服,衣服被摺叠然后压实。
And after long travels through oceans and seas, the trousers had severe creases. 经过海上长途运输后,裤子都有严重摺痕。
It was almost impossible to get rid of them, so people had no other choice but to accept this fact. 要把那些摺痕去除几乎不可能,因此人们别无选择,只能接受这件事。
So the trouser creases became fashionable. 所以裤子上的摺痕就成为流行时尚。
Lines on toothpaste tubes: There's a legend that the black line is for chemicals, 牙膏管上的线条:传说黑线代表化学制品,
and the green one is for organic components in the toothpaste. Don't believe it. This is bullshit. 绿线代表牙膏内的有机成分。别相信这种说法。这是一派胡言。
Actually, these are barcodes. They have nothing to do with the composition of the product or its potential health effects. 实际上,这些是条形码。它们和产品成分或可能的健康效果完全无关。
The color codes are supposed to be read by light beam sensors in order to be typically identified so the high-speed machinery knows where the packaging needs to be folded or cut. 这些色彩代码应该是要被光束传感器读取以做一般辨识,好让高速运转的机器知道包装要折起或裁切的位置。
The mark has to contrast with the color of the tube, so for a white tube, the mark's gonna be black; for a green tube, white or beige. 那记号必须和牙膏管的颜色有区别,所以白色的牙膏管,记号就会是黑色的;绿色的牙膏管,白色或米色。
The little pockets in ladies' panties: Not many women know about the purpose of this weirdly placed pocket, not to mention men. 女性内裤上的小口袋:不是很多女性知道这个位置怪异的口袋的作用,更别提男性了。
The thing is, according to health standards, the inner layer has to be made from a special soft tissue. 事情是这样的,根据健康标准,内层必须以特殊柔软薄织物制成。
By the way, it applies both to women's and men's underwear. 顺带一提,这对女性和男性的内着都适用。
But the ladies' panties are made in such a way that it's impossible to attach this extra bit of fabric with two inner seams. 不过女性内裤是以这样的方式制成,要把这额外的布料用两条里面的缝线固定住是不可能的。
In that case, one of them will make you uncomfortable. So, on one side, they leave it unsewn. 那样的话,其中一条缝线会让你感到不舒服。所以,在一边,布料就没被缝住了。
As a result, there's a little pouch in there. Oddly enough, many people do think that it's a special secret pocket for something really valuable. 因此,内裤里才有个小袋子。奇怪的是,很多人还真以为那是用来放极为值钱物品的特殊暗袋。
Diamond-shaped square on your backpack: This strange pig nose thingy appears on almost every backpack, but do you know what it means? 后背包上的菱形方块:这个奇怪的猪鼻子玩意出现在几乎每个后背包上,不过你知道它有什么意义吗?
Originally, it was quite useful for camping. You could thread ropes or carabiners through the lash tab, or mount equipment to free your arms. 原先,这对露营来说还满实用的。你可以将绳子或登山锁扣穿过饰片,或固定装备好空出双手。
And today, you can hang something on it too—but it would be more of a decoration. 而现在,你也可以挂东西在那上面--不过那会比较算个装饰品而已。
Amazing gadgets, upcoming technologies, incredible inventions, and other cool stuff related to high tech on TechZone. 神奇装置、即将到来的科技、不可思议的发明,还有其它和高科技有关的超酷玩意,全在 TechZone。
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