
 Little pig, little pig, let us in! It's the police! Move! 小猪、小猪,让我们进去!我们是警察!行动!

The third little pig is now being taken into custody, so the spotlight has once again shone on the gray area of homeowners' rights to protect their properties. 猪小弟目前遭到收押,社会焦点再次关注在屋主保护自身财产权利的模糊地带。
"This isn't right. The three little pigs are the victims." 「这样不对。三只小猪才是受害者。」
"The wolf blew down two houses. He got what he deserved." "The pigs went too far." 「大野狼吹倒两栋房子。他罪有应得。」「小猪们做得太超过了。」
"You have every right to defend your property." "Keep your chinny chin chins up, fellas." 「你绝对有权捍卫自己的财产。」「不要低头,兄弟们。」
Boiling someone alive hardly constitutes reasonable force. "Is killing an intruder ever justified?" 活生生煮死人不可能构成正当武力。「杀害侵入者能否被合理化?」
"If someone tried to blow my house down, I'd do the same." 「如果有人试着要吹倒我的房子,我也会做一样的事。」
I knew the wolf. There's no way he could've blown down those houses—he had asthma! 我认识大野狼。他不可能有办法吹倒那些房子--他有气喘耶!
The wolf had asthma, so what's the truth about the pigs' houses being blown down? Inside job? 大野狼患有气喘,那么小猪房子被吹倒的真相是什么?自己搞的鬼?
There's no reason why those two houses, one made from straw, the other from wood, should've collapsed—not even a healthy wolf's huff and puff could bring them down! 没道理一间用稻草、另一间用木头盖的两间房子会倒塌--就连一只身强体壮的大野狼都不可能把它们吹倒!
The three little pigs have confessed to conspiring to commit insurance fraud, framing the wolf in an attempt to cover their tracks. 三只小猪已经承认密谋犯下保险诈欺案,且为了掩饰自己的罪行而陷害大野狼。
Their motive was financial as they struggled to keep up with their mortgage repayments. 他们的动机源自财务,因为他们难以按时偿还房贷。
Guilty. "I can empathize." "I'm behind on my payments too." 有罪。「我能感同身受。」「我也迟缴贷款了。」
"How could this have happened?" "I've lost everything." 「这种事怎么会发生?」「我失去一切。」
"Public outrage as mortgage defaults soar" We want change! We want change! 「房贷拖欠率上升,群情激愤」我们要求改变!我们要求改变!
"The banks made the pigs do it!" We want change! Come on! "Riots spark reform debate" 「银行逼得小猪别无他法!」我们要求改变!冲啊!「暴动引起改革声浪」