打工姐妹花第二季 第82期:愿为你做任何事(在线收听

 It's not a big deal. That kind of situation happens to a lot of people. 没什么大不了的。很多人都发生过这尴尬事。

Who? Who has that ever happened to? 谁?都谁发生过这种事了?
I know this might be a delicate area right now, 现在提这个话题有点敏感,
but I'm thinking you should probably pay more than half of our water bill. 但我觉得以后咱们家的水费你得付一半以上。
Hey, girls. I need some hot tea to warm me up. 姑娘们。我需要杯热茶暖暖身子。
There's no hot water in our building when I tried to take a shower. 早先我想洗澡,发现我们大楼没热水了。
That's because it's all in Caroline. 因为都跑进卡洛琳身体里了。
Max! You are too tense. Here. Take this and relax a little. 麦克斯!干嘛这么敏感啊。来吧,来让你放松一下。
Eh? This doing anything for you? 如何?"舒缓"一点了吗?
Well, I'll be in my booth. 我去坐我老位子了。
Hello, Sophie. 你好啊,苏菲。
What are you doing in my booth? 你在我的卡座里干啥呢?
It's not your booth, it's my booth. And look. All the other booths are taken. 才不是你的卡座,是我的卡座,还有。其他卡座都被人占了。
So you'll have to sit at small table, as is customary for lone diners. 你得像其他独自前来的客人,独自一人坐小桌子了。
This is my booth. It's okay, you didn't know. Okay, bye-bye now. 这是我的专座。没事,不知者无罪,你们走吧。
Hello, Max. Check out my new booth. I think it's better. 麦克斯,快看我的新专座。比旧的还棒呢。
Oh, no. I don't want to see him again. 惨了,我不想再见到他。
Look, he's already seen you at your worst. 他都已经看过你最坏的一面了。
You vomited and masturbated. That's your full range. 你最惨也就呕吐跟自慰了。
Hi. Look, I know you're really embarrassed about -- Well, everything. 你好啊。我知道你肯定还觉得...那些事丢人。
And there's really nothing I can say to convince you not to be. 我也知道无论我说什么你还是会觉得丢人。
So... Who's embarrassed now? 所以呢...这下我也丢人了吧?
And to further my embarrassment, I will now do gymnastics in public. 为了更丢人,我将在公众场合做体操动作。
That is not embarrassing. It was amazing. 那才不丢人呢,根本帅呆了。
All right. Well, then come back to my house and watch me masturbate. 好吧。那你跟我回家,我也自慰给你看。
Or we could just get coffee. 也可以一起去喝杯咖啡
Yay, I'm so happy! Thanks, Max. 我好高兴哦!谢了,麦克斯。
No, not for you. For me. I'm getting unlimited candy and maybe some pills. 不是替你高兴,是替自己。终身免费糖果,而且还可能有"药"。