打工姐妹花第二季 第134期:巧克力碎煎饼(在线收听

 Disclaimer: this is not my T-shirt, though I am all about the girl power. 我声明:这不是我的T恤,当然我也很支持女力的啦。

Disclaimer: it's not my T-shirt either. 我声明:这也不是我的T恤。
Some nerd left it in the dryer at the laundromat. 是某个书呆忘在洗衣店的
It's mine. Girl power! 那件是我的。女力哦!
No way. No way! Do I smell chocolate chips? 不是吧。不是吧。我闻到的是巧克力碎吗?
And is uncle Andy making pancakes? 是安迪叔叔在做煎饼吗?
You do, and I am. 你没闻错,我也做了。
Dude, I don't know you, but chocolate chip pancakes are the balls. 兄台,虽然我不认识你,但是巧克力碎煎饼超屌啊。
How did you two sleep? 你们俩睡得如何?
Did we sleep? 哪有时间睡呀?
Great! So what's gonna happen now? 很好!那接下来会如何呢?
I meant today, at the shop, our big first day in business! 我是说今天店里的事,我们隆重开业的首日呢!
You thought I was talking about you two? 你们以为我是在说你们的关系吗?
Plbbt! I don't care about you two. Plbbt! Nobody cares about you two. 噗!我才懒得管你们俩。噗!谁有空管你们俩啊。
Well, first, we have to clean the party mess up. 首先,我们得先清理昨晚派对的垃圾。
Andy and I did it last night when you didn't come back. 昨晚我跟安迪打扫完了在你不知去何处鬼混的时候。
Um, can someone here mellow out and put some pancakes in her pancake hole? 某人是不是该放轻松点,塞点煎饼进她的"煎饼洞"里啊?
No, Caroline, I get it. It's been a rocky ride for Max and me. 没事,卡洛琳,我明白。我跟麦克斯一路以来的情路不顺。
See, when we met, I had a girlfriend. 我跟她刚认识时我有个女朋友。
Which he never told her about, and... And keep eating. 但他从来没告诉过她,然后...然后接着吃啊。
And because of that, Max and I never really got together, 因为这样,我和麦克斯没有真正在一起过,
and then that girl and I broke up, and by the time I saw Max again, I was... Engaged to be married? 而我也跟那女人分手了,后来再见到麦克斯时,我...订了婚准备结婚?
Yeah, yeah, I was gonna get married. 是的,我当时准备结婚了。
Wait, to that same girlfriend? 等等,是跟之前那女朋友吗?
Different one. Different one. 不是的。另外一个。
Yeah, but that didn't work out either, and I've had a couple girlfriends since... Oh! Only a couple! 但那事后来也没成,之后我也再交过几个女朋友...哟!还"几个"呢!
Yeah, none of them seemed to work out. None of them are Max. 是啊,但是跟她们也一个都没成。她们都取代不了麦克斯。
Hey, save me a pancake. It looks like Caroline has plans to eat them all. 帮我留一个煎饼。卡洛琳好像想把它们统统吃光。