欧美人文风情第291篇:让心开阔 一起到魁北克旅行(在线收听

 When we embarked on our journey to Quebec, we had no idea where we were gonna wake up, 展开魁北克之旅时,我们完全不知道我们起床时会在哪个地方、

what we were gonna experience, how we were gonna feel, which was awesome. 体验什么、有什么样的感受,那真的很棒。
Oh my God! 我的天啊!
Home is more than a place to go 家不仅是一个地方
It's where you find peace of mind 更是你寻找心灵平静之处
We saw a whale! 我们看到一只鲸鱼!
Live fast, die young. 青春不留白。
Allow me to show you the path 让我带领你到这条路
And by yourself you'll do the math 你将能独自思索人生
Yeah! 耶!
We are so lucky to walk on this Earth 能漫游在这地球上何其幸运
We better realize how much it's worth 我们应该了解这有多么值得
This is our home 这是我们的家
This is a home to all of us 这是我们所有人的家
Where are we? 我们在哪啊?
When you wake up in the morning 你在清晨睁开眼睛
Surrounded by beautiful things 四周美景环绕
You will never be alone 你永远不会孤单
As long as you feel at home 只要你觉得这里就像家一样自在
Poutine! 起司肉酱薯条!
This is our home 这是我们的家
This is a home to all of us 这是我们所有人的家
That was so awesome. 这真的太美妙了。