
 Judging People by How They Open Bags of Snacks 从开零食包装的方式判断人的个性

The Generous 慷慨型
This method allows the bag to be open to its full radius and optimizes the sharing capacity of friends or nearby freeloading acquaintances 这种开法让袋子可以被打开到最大,而且能分给最多朋友或附近来白吃白喝的人,
who wish to nourish themselves with the aforementioned snack. 他们希望用刚刚提到的零食来滋养他们自己。
Thank you. I don't even know you. 谢谢妳。我根本不认识你欸。
The Conservative 保守型
This method allows for minimal sharing capacity because the snack either drops one or two pieces at a time or you can't fit your freaking hand in the tiny hole. 这个方法带来最小的分享量,因为零食要不就一次只掉出一两片,要不就是你没办法将该死的手伸进小小的开口。
You know, you can just open it a little more. 你知道,你可以把它再打开一点。
Why don't you just go to Cindy and ask her for some? 妳怎么不干脆去找 Cindy,跟她要来吃呢?
The Clumsy and Impatient 笨拙且没耐心型
Ask to share at your own risk. Reaching in for a treat or pouring some out could result in the bag ripping more, 自己承担主动要分享的风险。伸进去拿零食或是把一些倒出来可能会导致袋子裂得更严重,
causing everything to fall out if they haven't already upon opening. 使得所有东西都掉出来,如果零食在打开时没已经掉出来的话。
It says tear here, Kevin. Tear here! 它说从这里撕开,Kevin。从这里撕开!
The Neat Freak 平整魔人型
They refuse to open the bag without proper cutting tools. Sure, it looks clean, but the process is just time-consuming. 没有合适的切割工具的话,他们就拒绝打开零食。当然,那会看起来很干净,但整个过程就是很耗时。
I found the scissors! Guys? 我找到剪刀了!大伙们?
The Disoriented 搞不清楚上下方向的
Everything seems fine until you realize they opened the bag upside down. 直到你发现他们将袋子上下开反之前,一切看起来都没事。
However, this doesn't really affect your ability to eat, so you end up not caring. 然而,这并不真的影响到你吃零食,所以你最终并不会在意。
Where does it say to tear? Where?! 它说要从哪里开?哪里?!
I'm sorry. My glasses were upside down. 抱歉。我的眼镜戴反了。
And then, there's me. Can I have some? No. 然后,还有我这型的。我可以吃一点吗?不可以。