打工姐妹花第二季 第139期:小蛋糕滞销(在线收听

 Well, you, me, and the cupcakes are ready, now, we just need people. 我,你,小蛋糕们都准备好了,就等人上门了。

Ooh, here we go! This one looks like she might come in. 快看!那女的看上去可能会进来呢。
Yeah, keep walking, ugly! 走你妹啊,丑女!
Ugly? She's like a supermodel. 丑女?她就像一个超模呢。
Did she come in and buy something? No. Then, she ugly. 那她有没有进来买东西呀?没有。那她就是丑女一个。
Okay, yes, business is slow, but we don't have to drop to that level. 好吧,虽然现在小蛋糕滞销,但我们没必要没品又毒舌吧。
Ooh, this guy is definitely coming in. 哇,那个男的肯定会进来的。
Keep walking, fatty! And he ugly. 走你妹啊,死胖子!他还是个丑男
Welcome to Max's homemade cupcakes! 欢迎光临麦克斯自制小蛋糕店!
Hello. How much are your cupcakes? $4. No. 你们好呀,小蛋糕多少钱一个?4块。算了。
Whore. Jinx, you owe me a coke! 婊子。倒霉鬼,你要请我喝可乐!
We both called an old lady a whore. 咱俩异口同声叫那位老太太婊子。
I know! We are in complete sync. That is so good for business. 对啊,咱俩完全同步。这对我们的生意是一大利好啊。
I'll give you $3. 3块钱卖我一个。
I'm sorry, they're $4. 抱歉,但明码标价是4块钱。
There's no one in here. You'll take what you get. 这里一个客人都没有,我愿意买你们就该偷笑了。
I'm in love with that whore. 我爱上那个婊子了。