打工姐妹花第二季 第140期:电话推销小蛋糕(在线收听

 Hello. I'm calling from Max's homemade cupcakes to acquaint you with our new "Mornings with Max's" special. 你好,我是麦克斯自制小蛋糕店来跟您介绍我们的"相约早晨"特别活动的。

No, sir, that is not what our special is. 不,先生,特别活动不是那种事。
And I haven't even done that with my boyfriend yet, so don't be rude. 而且那事我都还没跟我男人"做"过呢,所以请放尊重点。
Give me that phone. Ya fat, ya ugly, ya fugly. 把电话给我。你又胖又丑,你个死猪扒。
Max, we have got to get more business going. 麦克斯,我们得多找点生意。
The money Sophie gave us to open the shop will only cover next month's rent. 苏菲给我们开店的钱只够交下个月的租金了。
Wait, we already have next month's rent? Why are we worried? 等等,下个月的租金我们都有啦?那还有什么可担心的?
We're doing better than everyone else in America. 我们已经比随便一个美国人都好多了。
Well, well, well, if it isn't Prince Charming. 瞧瞧,这不是白马王子吗。
But, Earl, is prince charming, or is he just a diva in purple? 厄尔,王子真的是帅哥吗,还是他只是个穿紫衣的娘炮啊?
So psyched. Finally got a personalized hello from Earl. 好兴奋,厄尔给我起绰号了。
He called me Prince Charming. I'm in, baby, I am in. 他叫我白马王子。我融入你们了,宝贝,成一份子了。
I wouldn't get too excited. He probably just forgot your name. 是我就不会太高兴。他很可能只是忘记你的名字了。
He calls every Puerto Rican guy that comes in here "La bamba." 所有进餐馆的波多黎各人他都叫"森巴舞男"。
Max's homemade cupcakes. Yes, I'll hold. 麦克斯自制小蛋糕店。好,我等着。
Of course we do sugar-free and gluten-free. 我们当然有无糖和无麸的啦。
I'll be right back, I just gotta take this call. 我马上回来,我得先接个电话。
I understand, but, like, how diabetic? 我知道,但那糖尿病是多严重呢?