打工姐妹花第二季 第146期:合伙人(在线收听

 I'm sorry I said Sophie could be part of the store. 抱歉我说可以让苏菲成为蛋糕店的合伙人。

I just felt bad for her, lying there, all in black, too sad to even make her junk pretty. 我只是为她感到难过,躺在床上,全身黑衣,悲伤到都没心情打理"小妹妹"了。
It's fine. "Silent partner" is just a figurehead role anyway, 没关系啦。"静默合伙人"只是个挂名职位,
and it's nice to know you have such a big heart. 而且知道你有如此善心也挺好的。
It's not my heart. What I saw down there changed me. 这不是我的本心。看到那团东西后改变了我的心。
It looks like something an animal built to live in for the winter. 那看起来就像是动物为了过冬而造的避寒兽穴。
Wait, what is Sophie's chandelier doing here? 慢着,苏菲的大吊灯在这里干嘛?
Is this the polish version of a home invasion? They break in and leave something tacky? 这是波兰版的入侵民宅吗?闯进去然后留下点俗气的东西?
Good morning, partners. I didn't know the dress code, so I went business casual. 早上好,合伙人们。我不知道着装要求,所以我就穿了商务便装。
Look, the chandelier that I bought for my lake house. Oh, now our dreams are together. 瞧,我为我的湖边小屋买的大吊灯。现在我们的梦想合二为一了。
Sophie, it's not the look we were going for. 苏菲,这跟我们原来的风格大相径庭
Oh, I know. Much better, right? 我知道,好看多了,对吧?
That is definitely not our style. It looks like a Tim Burton movie just spit up in here. 这绝对不是我们的风格。这里像被蒂姆·波顿的诡异电影横扫过一样。
I think it's kind of pretty. 我觉得还挺漂亮的啊。
But what do I know? I once spent my last 50 bucks on a frog pinata. Had to have it. 但我懂屁啊?我有次把仅有的50块拿去买青蛙彩陶罐。忍不住想买啊。
Max's homemade cupcakes. Yes, we're an upscale bakery, and... 麦克斯自制小蛋糕店。对,我们是一家上档次的蛋糕店...
Now, we sell hoagies. 现在我们还卖何奇三明治哦。
Oh, no, no, no, sir, we do not sell hoagies. Yes, we do. 不不不,先生,我们不卖何奇三明治。不,我们卖。
How many would you like? Let me get a pen. 你想要多少?我去拿笔记一下。