
 Ten best night market foods in Taiwan! Let's go! 台湾夜市十大美食!开吃!

We're at the Liuhe Night Market in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 我们现在在台湾高雄的六合夜市。
And one of the most unique twists that we've seen on a traditional item is grilled xiao long bao! 我们看到其中一个最特别的老滋味新吃法就是生煎小笼包!
So, they took the xiao long bao, but then the shen jian bao cooking method, and applied it to the xiao long bao. 他们拿的是小笼包,不过把生煎包的煮法用到小笼包上。
That's what it is! 就是它啦!
And the hottest items at night market, and I mean literally the hottest item, 夜市里最热的东西,我说的真是最热--
it's actually burning my hand right now, is ji pais! 它现在其实烫手--就是鸡排!
Chicken steaks! Before you bite that, I just want to say if you love KFC... 鸡排!在你咬它之前,我只想说,如果你很爱肯德基的话...
I like it. ...I don't know if you're gonna like it that much after that! 我喜欢肯德基啊。...不晓得你吃了之后还会不会那么爱肯德基!
One of the very best things that is at every single Taiwanese night market is exotic Asian fruits. It's so good. 台湾每个夜市都会出现的超赞食物之一,就是充满异国风味的亚洲水果。好好吃。
We're at Jiufen Old Street, and one of the best things to eat in Taiwan at the night market is ren bing! 我们现在在九份老街,到台湾夜市必吃的一样小吃就是润饼!
So, you can see in the ren bing, you have a tortilla-type wrap, 你可以看到,润饼很像墨西哥薄饼的外皮,
you have the crushed-peanut-candy thing going on, 还加了碎花生、糖之类的东西,
two scoops of ice cream, and then we have the cilantro. 两球冰淇淋,然后还有香菜。
And I feel like the cilantro actually is a pretty important part. 我觉得香菜其实是很重要的一部分。
I bet you guys have never had non-stinky stinky tofu. 我敢说你们从来没吃过不臭的臭豆腐。
It's fermented with vegetables instead of beef and fish. 这臭豆腐是用蔬菜,而不是牛肉和鱼发酵的。
All the taste...without the smell! 美味不变...臭味不见!
Earlier we showed you the dessert ren bing; this is the savory ren bing. 我们之前让你们看过甜的润饼;这个是咸润饼。
Moo shu, Lee! I need moo shu! 李,木须肉!我要木须肉!
Yo, it kinda tastes like a moo shu pork burrito. 嘿,它吃起来有点儿像木须肉卷饼耶。
We know that you guys always order popcorn chicken at the boba spot, 我们知道你们大家到珍奶店都会点盐酥鸡,
so we had to go to Taiwan to go get the real thing. 所以我们一定得到台湾买地道得来吃。
Hot! This is how you walk through the crowd with a kebab. 烫!拿着烤肉串,就这样穿越人潮。
Little sausage wrapped in big sausage. Because the rice is actually the big sausage. 大肠包小肠。因为米的其实就是大肠。
Oh, man! Because the rice is actually the big sausage. 哇赛!我原本以为米是超罪恶的一堆肉。
My favorite Asian hamburger: the gua bao! 我最喜欢的亚洲汉堡:刈包!
A lot of people in America have tried to copy the pork belly bun, 美国有很多人试过复制这种五花肉包,
but it's just not the same as the real thing. It's so good! 不过和正品就是不一样。这超好吃!
Vibrating takoyaki. We got two different types of vibrating takoyaki: 震动章鱼烧。我们买了两种不同口味的震动章鱼烧:
your traditional octopus and red bean with chocolate. 传统章鱼口味还有红豆加巧克力口味。
So, does vibrating takoyaki taste any different? 那么,震动章鱼烧吃起来有什么不一样?
All right, you guys, that was it for our favorite things to eat at Taiwanese night markets. 好啦,大伙儿,我们的台湾夜市最爱美食就到这里结束了。
I know we did not get to cover everything we wanted to cover. 我知道我们没有吃到所有想吃的。
But we were fortunate enough to try that much. 不过我们很幸运能吃到那么多。
Let us know in the comments below what we left out, 在下方留言区留言,让我们知道有什么好吃的我们错过了,
and also what are your favorite night market foods. Peace! 还有你最爱的夜市小吃是什么。再见!