美国小学英语教材4:第167课 年轻武士 西格德(13)(在线收听

 At this the noble horse sprang forward right through the flames to the door of the castle. 听了这话,那匹骏马就在火焰中向前窜到城堡门口。

Then Sigurd leaped from his steed and entered. 接着西格德从马上跳下来,走了进去。
There was no sign of life as he went from room to room looking for the princess. 他挨个房间都没有找到公主。
At last he came to a hall in which someone lay asleep. 最后他来到一个大厅,里面有人在睡觉。
But the head was covered with a helmet and the body with a war coat, so that Sigurd could not tell who the person might be. 她头上戴着头盔,身上穿着战衣,西格德看不清这个人是谁。
As he gently lifted the helmet, beautiful golden hair fell down over the war coat. 当他轻轻地摘掉头盔时,美丽的金色头发披散在战衣上。
Then Sigurd knew that he had found the princess of whom the birds had told hiifi. 这时西格德知道这就是鸟儿告诉他的公主。
She lay very still, and her eyes were closed. 她静静地躺着,眼睛闭着。
The young hero knelt down and whispered softly to her, "Princess, awake! 年轻的英雄跪下,轻声对她说:“公主,醒醒!”
I have come to save you! But the beautiful princess did not stir. 我是来救你的!但是美丽的公主一动不动。
"This heavy armor presses upon her," thought the young warrior. “这件沉重的盔甲压在她身上,”年轻的战士想。
So with the point of his sword he cut the war coat from top to bottom. 于是,他用剑尖把盔甲刺开了。
Still the princess did not wake. 公主仍然没有醒来。
Then he saw that the sleeves of the coat still pressed upon her arms. 然后他看到大衣的袖子紧紧地扣在公主的胳膊上。
With his good sword he cut the sleeves open from the shoulder to the hand. 他用他那把利剑把袖子从肩膀到手的地方割开。
As they fell apart, the princess gave a long sigh and turned her head. 袖子一开,公主长叹一声,转过头来,
Slowly she opened her eyes and looked in wonder at Sigurd. 她慢慢睁开眼睛,惊讶地看着西格德。