
 Anyway, I need to do my laundry, too, because these clothes are so dirty. 总之,我也要洗衣服,因为这些衣服实在太"脏"了

Almost as dirty as the dirty girl who's wearing them. 几乎就和穿着它们的放荡女一样脏
Okay, that's enough. 好了,适可而止啊
Disagree. Keep going. More. 反对,继续啊,多来点
So, what do you think? 你觉得怎么样?
A tad asymmetrical, but nothing to be concerned about. 有点不对称,但没什么可担心的
Please, Sheldon. I need you. To... what?  拜托了,谢尔顿,我想要你。做...什么?
To take me. I'm not taking you anywhere till you put on a shirt. 占有我(带我走)。你不穿件衣服我是不会带你去哪的
Come on, Sheldon. You and me right here. 来吧,谢尔顿 ,咱们在这儿大干一场
Penny for the thousands time, I'm saving myself for someone special. 佩妮,我嘴都说烂了,我要为我的梦中情人保留处子之身
Perhaps a cute bespectacled neuroscientist with hair the color of mud. 或许是位可爱的神经学家四眼妹,有着一头泥土色秀发
I think I know how to change your mind. 我知道怎么让你改变主意
That's enough. Ew... 够了,呕……
I was okay with it. 我觉得还行
How's it going, Sheldon? 怎么样了,谢尔顿?
Actually, much better. 现在好多了
Oh, good. Is the baby born yet? 那太好了,孩子出生了吗?
I don't know. I just got back. 我不知道,我刚回来
Where'd you go? 你去哪儿了?
My mother asked me to get some towels. 我妈让我去拿几条毛巾
I took advantage of the vague request and went to Bed, Bath and Beyond. 我利用这个模糊请求去了趟床上用品超市透透气
Excuse me! I'm on the phone! So rude. 小声点儿!我在打电话呢!太没礼貌了
Here's another one. Penny, if it weren't for Sheldon, you never would have met comic book legend Stan Lee. Great. 还有一个,佩妮。要不是谢尔顿,你怎么能见到漫画界传奇人物斯坦·李呢?!真走运
At least Leonard, Howard and I would have always been friends. 至少我,莱纳德还有霍华德还是朋友
Hey, how come you three never got an apartment together? 你们仨怎么没住在一起呢?
We talked about it, but Howard was in a pretty serious relationship with his mom. 我们谈过这个事儿,显然霍华德跟他妈妈如胶似漆
I lived with her to save money. 我跟她住一起是为了省钱
Yeah, you didn't have to buy groceries 'cause you were breast-feeding. 对,饭费也省了,因为你喝奶就行了
Aw, so I guess if it weren't for me, you'd still be living with her, huh? Not exactly. 所以要不是我,你现在还跟你妈妈住吧?也不会
What do you mean, "not exactly"? 你说"也不会"是什么意思?
Well, things would be a little different. 情况也许会有逆转
Howard, where's my lunch?! 霍华德,我的午餐呢?!
I'm starving! 我快饿死了!
I know you're starving. The neighbors know you're starving. There's starving people in Africa who know you're starving! 我知道你快饿死了,隔壁邻居也知道你快饿死了,饱受饥荒的非洲难民都知道你快饿死了!
That's it?! There's not enough food! 就这么点儿?!这怎么够吃啊!
Well, you cleaned out Earth! I don't know what else to do! 你把地球上的食物都吃光了!我有什么办法!
How is this any different? 这哪儿有不一样啊?
You didn't let me finish. 我还没说完
Here you go, Mother. 给你,老母亲
You're a good boy, Howard! 好孩子,霍华德!
Such a good boy! 真是个好孩子
Wait, did she die or did you kill her? 等等,她是自己死的还是你杀死的?
Eh, tomato, tomahto. The important thing is she's dead. 还不是一回事儿,重要的是她死了
Hey, so how come you two didn't move in together? 那你俩怎么没一块儿住?
This guy wanted a place of his own because he was sure he was gonna be a ladies' man. 这家伙想一个人住,因为他很肯定他会有女朋友
Yeah, I was wrong. 是啊,我错了
But I do think you and I would have had a great time. 但我真心觉得咱俩同居一定其乐无穷
Come on, Leonard, dinner. Coming. 莱纳德,来吃晚饭了。来了
Hang on. 等会儿
Why would I be fat? 为什么我这么肥?
You'd have no girlfriend to see you naked, you'd try to fill the void with food, and I'm an enabler who once deep-fried a pancake. 你没有女朋友,没人会看你的裸体,你就用食物来填补空虚,而我则是个厨神
Why can't you be fat, too? 为什么你不胖呢?
What do you want to do for dessert? 甜点想吃什么?
I think there's still half a cake from breakfast. 好像早餐还剩了半个蛋糕
No, there's not. 怎么会剩
Hey, guys. Stuart Stuart. What are you doing? 兄弟们好,斯图尔特,斯图尔特。你在干吗?
I... just wanted to be in anyone's story. 我只是想出现在你们任何一个人的故事中
Yeah, but why are you fat? 但你为什么也这么肥呢?
'Cause Leonard was fat. 因为莱纳德很肥
Amy, what about you? 艾米,你呢?
What do you think you'd be doing if you never met Sheldon? 要是没遇到谢尔顿,你觉得你现在在干吗?
It's hard to say, my life would be so... different. 很难说,我的生活将大不相同
You can say "better." Sheldon can't hear you. 你可以说"变得更好"谢尔顿听不到
I don't know. Happy birthday to me 我不知道。祝我生日快乐
Happy birthday to me 祝我生日快乐
There's tears in the frosting 泪水落在糖霜上
Happy birthday to me. 祝我生日快乐
I'll stop now. 我会就此打住
How's it going, Sheldon? 进展如何,谢尔顿?
That's it. 结束了
The baby's here. 孩子诞生了
It's a boy. Congrats. Aw. Yay. Oh, thank you. 是个男孩!恭喜恭喜, 太棒了!谢谢
I wasn't sure I was gonna to make it. 我都不知道我能挺过来
But my mother gave me some ice chips, my sister told me to breathe. 但是我妈妈给了我些沙冰,姐姐叫我深呼吸
And I just thought to myself, "Sheldon, "if you can make it through the Green Lantern movie, you can make it through this. 我在心里告诉自己:"谢尔顿啊,如果《绿灯侠》你都能坚持看完","这个绝不再话下啊"
Well, good for you, buddy. We'll let you get back in there. 干得好,哥们,那我们不聊了,你先回去吧
Oh no, no, I'm not going back in there. That baby is so irritating. 不不不,我不想回去,那娃太讨人厌了
He has literally been crying his entire life. 他简直就是用生命在哭泣
Aw, he's already taking after Uncle Shelly. 他已经在向谢利舅舅学习了呢
Come on, Sheldon, you should go. Why? 谢尔顿,你应该回去的。为什么?
Well, you always complain that you never had an intelligent role model growing up, and now you can be one for your nephew. 你总是抱怨,成长过程中,从未有智慧的榜样让你崇拜,而现在你为侄子的树立榜样
Ugh, all right, I'll go. 好吧,那我回去
But from what I've seen, his attention span is as limited as his bladder control. 但如我所见,他的注意力与膀胱控制力一样让人失望
You actually got him to do it. 他还真听你的
Yeah, you keep saying how much Sheldon has affected all of us, but you've clearly had an impact on him. 是呀,你一直说谢尔顿给我们的影响有多大,但你其实一直在影响他
If that were true, I wouldn't still be living alone. 真是这样的话,我就不会现在还独居了
Well, not exactly alone. I do have a 50 pound sack of rice with one of Sheldon's T-shirts on it. 也不算完全独居,我那还有一袋50磅重的大米,穿着谢尔顿的一件T恤
I'm telling you, Sheldon cares for you more than you think. 坦白说, 谢尔顿比你想的更在乎你
I wish I could believe you. 真希望我能相信你的话
I also wish there wasn't a mouse living in Rice Sheldon. 我还希望谢尔顿米人里面没有老鼠寄居
Hang on, I'm gonna give you a little early Christmas present. 等下,送你件圣诞预热小礼物
I'm gonna show you something, but if you ever told Sheldon he'd probably never speak to me again. 我给你看点东西,但你要告诉谢尔顿,他可能再也不会理我了
So, if you want to tell him, that's fine. 所以你真想告诉他的话,那也行
Look. I don't understand. 瞧,什么意思
He made you his screensaver. 他用你的照片作屏保啊
Oh. Wow. I had no idea. He is so into me. 哦,对哦,哇,我都不知道,他爱死我了
Wait, wait, where'd I go? 等等等下,我的照片呢?
Oh, well, it's you, Swamp Thing, Stephen Hawking, Spider-Man... but, look, you're in the mix. 屏保的照片有你,还有沼泽异形,霍金,蜘蛛侠...不过,你是其中一个哟
I am in the mix. 我是其中一个!
And I'm the hottest one. 而且是最辣的那个
Who's that? 那是谁?
Oh, Madame Curie. That's fine, she's dead. 那是居里夫人。没事,她已经死了
You okay? 你没事吧?
Just really glad you're back. 就是很高兴你回来了
Me, too. 我也这么想
I got a lot of TV to catch up on. 还有很多剧要追呢
I missed you. 我想你了
To quote Han Solo, "I know" 引用星球大战汉·索罗的台词,"我懂得"
Did you miss me? 想我了吗?
I would've preferred to have you there with me. 我更希望当时有你陪着我
Oh. Or instead of me. 哦,或者你替我在那
Did you hold the baby? I did. 你抱过小婴儿了吗?抱过了
And? How did it make you feel? 然后呢?感觉怎么样?
Looking into the blank, innocent eyes of a creature that couldn't begin to comprehend anything I was saying? 面对空洞无知的眼神,又一个不懂我的
Basically just another day at the office. 基本就跟在办公室的日子一模一样
I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna ask her out. 我这就去,我这就去约她
Yeah, and chocolate milk is gonna squirt out of my nipples. 是呀,我的乳头要喷巧克力牛奶了
Put up or shut up. You make it, I'll drink it. 要不挤奶要不闭嘴,挤出来,我就喝
You guys need anything else? Uh, your phone number and one more cheesecake. 你们还需要点什么吗?你的手机号码,再来一份芝士蛋糕
I'm sorry, I have a boyfriend. 不好意思,我有男朋友了
In fact, there he is now. 瞧,说曹操曹操到
Ready to go, sweetheart? Not until I get my kiss. 准备好了吗,亲爱的?亲一个才算好