生活大爆炸第八季 第33期:拉斯维加斯(在线收听

 Hey. - Hey. 嘿。- 嘿。

So, the guys and I are talking about having kind of a science retreat this weekend. I just wanted to know if that's okay. 我和兄弟们讨论,想要在这个周末做个科学静思。只是想问问你可以吗。
You and I had talked about going to brunch on Sunday...-Want to go to Vegas this weekend? 我们本来说好星期天一起吃早午餐的...-周末想去拉斯维加斯吗?
Of course I do. 当然想去。
Bernadette? Girl's weekend. Vegas. You in? Bernadette呢?女生周末去维加斯,一起吗?
Hell, yeah! - Yes! 当然啦!-一起去!
I'll check flights. - I'll check hotels. 我来查机票。- 我来查酒店。
I'll check my underpants. I'm so excited, I think I peed. 我来查内裤,我可能兴奋到尿裤子了。
They seem okay with it. 她们好像不反对。
Hey. - Hey. 嘿。- 嘿。
Hey. I didn't think you'd make it. 嘿,我还以为你来不了呢。
Why not? 为什么?
Well, 'cause you have a steady girlfriend now, and we assumed you'd have to stay home to lower the food down to her in the pit. 因为你现在有了固定女朋友,所以我们觉得你得待在家里,陪她做点饭后运动。
For your information, Emily is working tonight. 那我得告诉你,Emily今晚要干活。
Yeah, one would assume, on getting out of the pit. 是啊,要结束"运动"也是蛮拼的呢。
Okay, let's focus. The girls are gone, we have 48 hours. There are no distractions. Let's change the world. 好了,集中注意力。姑娘们走了,我们有48个小时。没人能让我们分神,一起改变世界吧。
Thinking caps on. Here we go. 思考状态启动。我们开始。
Ooh, this is exciting. We're innovating. I feel like we're in the Facebook movie. 哦,太兴奋了。我们在创新。感觉就像在演《脸书》电影。
Oh. I never saw that. - Yeah. Really? 我没看过。- 不是吧?
Oh. It's wonderful, and I swear I'm not saying that because Justin Timberlake is in it. 哦。超好看的,而且我发誓不是因为男神贾斯汀·汀布莱克参演了才这么说的。
Yeah, I have it on Blu-ray. We should watch it. 我有蓝光盘。我们应该看看。
Cool. I'll make the popcorn. 好。我做点爆米花。
Guys...in 30 seconds, we went from "Let's change the world" to "Let's watch TV." 各位...过了30秒,我们就从"一起改变世界"变成"一起看电影"了。