生活大爆炸第八季 第35期:回到未来(在线收听

 Hey, the future they show in Back to the Future II is only a year away. A lot of the things in that movie haven't been invented yet. 嘿,他们在《回到未来2》里说的未来就是明年。那电影里面有好多东西还没发明出来呢。(回到未来2:电影讲述80年代马蒂和博士开始光机到了2015年,帮助解决马蒂儿子的事)

How cool would that be if we could make one of those a reality? 如果我们能把其中一个在现实中制造出来有多棒呀?
If we could figure out the scientific basis for Marty's hover board, that would have universal application. 如果我们能弄明白马蒂悬浮滑板的科学理论依据,就能在全世界投入应用了。
Well, it's...it's possible at absolute zero, but we would have to remove the temperature restrictions. 这东西... 只适用于绝对零度,但我们得想办法解决温度的限制。
Oh, I have an idea. 我有个主意。
I think I have the same one. 我觉得我也想到了。
We got to watch Back to the Future II! 我们得看一遍《回到未来2》!
I'll make the popcorn. 我去做爆米花。
So, where should we go first? 我们先去哪里?
Ooh. There's a cover band in the lounge. - Nah. 哦,酒吧有翻唱乐队表演。- 不去。
But they play Barry Manilow. - No. 但他们唱的是巴瑞·曼尼洛的歌。- 不去。
But they're called "Fairly Manilow"" 但他们叫"酷似曼尼洛"。
Oh. Okay. - Great! - No! 好吧。- 太好了!- 不去!
Well, what do you want to do? 那你想干什么?
Well, we're in Vegas. I want to go downstairs, get a bucket of margaritas, dance until I vomit all over a roulette wheel and watch it go everywhere. 我们在维加斯。我想去楼下,来一大杯玛格丽特鸡尾酒,跳舞跳到吐在轮盘赌桌上,然后看它飞溅四方。
What if we don't want to vomit? 如果我们不想吐呢?
Oh, you will. That's why they give you the bucket. Uh-oh. - What? 你会吐的,所以他们才卖一大杯。糟糕。- 怎么了?
It's my boss. They moved my field ride up to Monday. 我老板来短信,他们把我的现场实习提前到了周一。
What does that mean? 那是什么意思?
It means instead of having a week to study, I only have two days. 就意味着我没有一个星期可以看材料了,只有两天。
That sucks. 太糟糕了。
Can you start in the morning? 你能早上再看吗?
Uh, it's kind of a lot. You know, let me do a little tonight, and I'll catch up with you guys later. 有很多东西要看。好吧,我今晚看一些,晚点再和你们一起玩。
You sure? - Yeah, it's okay. Go ahead. 你确定吗?- 没关系的,你们去吧。
So, um, now that Penny's not coming...- We're not seeing Fairly Manilow. - Okay. 现在Penny不去了...- 我们不去看"酷似曼尼洛" - 好吧。