生活大爆炸第八季 第38期:佛罗里达州(在线收听

 We are... 是啊...

Better than good. I mean, look at you. Your body's bangin'! 不能更棒了。看看你,火辣的不行了!
Amy! Amy啊!
Don't "Amy" me. We're always talking about how hot Penny is. Come on...scientist to scientist, how big are those Hadron Colliders? 别这样Amy 、Amy地叫。我们总是讨论Penny有多性感。来,来场科学家之间的对话,你胸前那对强子对撞机(胸)有多大?
You're embarrassing me. 你让我好尴尬。
Oh, don't be embarrassed. I'll show you the divot in my spine. 噢,别害羞嘛。给你看看我脊椎里的凹陷。
What? 什么?
No, no, it's okay. I was born with it. If you put a double-A battery in there, it makes my leg kick. 不不不,没关系的。那是天生的。如果你在这儿放一个AA电池,我的腿会自动踢人。
All right. 好吧。
Oh, this is already better. There are far fewer distractions in here. 哦,这里就好多了。这儿的干扰要少得多。
Plus, this is where our minds are conditioned to focus on work. 而且,这里是我们的思维习惯于专心工作的地方。
So, I've been thinking about the hover boards, and maybe there's a way we could use maglev technology. 我在考虑着配电板的问题,也许我们可以利用磁悬浮技术。
Or if we could figure out a way to supercool the materials, we could utilize quantum coupling. 或者我们可以想出来过度冷却那些材料的方法,我们可以利用量子耦合。
Well, I wonder if anyone's tried that. 不知道有没有人试过。
Go online and look it up. 上网查查看。
Oh, I can't argue with him. It's right there on the screen. Austria does look like a wiener. 喔,我不能反驳他。屏幕上清楚的显示着,奥地利确实看起来像鸡鸡。
That's nothing, dude. Go check out how hung Florida is. 兄弟,那还不是最高能的,去查查佛罗里达州看起来有多"雄起"。
I'm sure Mrs. Florida's walking funny. Can we get back to work? 我确信佛罗里达先生走起路来一定搞笑。我们可以回到工作上了吗?
Yeah...he's right. 嗯... 他说得对。
Oh, here's a thought. What if we use some form of operant conditioning techniques to keep us from getting off topic? 噢,我有个想法。不如我们用操控制约的方法来避免我们偏离话题吧?
Like behavior modification? 比如行为矫正法?
Yeah, exactly. Did you know those techniques were used to actually teach pigeons to play ping-pong? 对,就是那样。你知道那些技术实际上是被用来训练鸽子打乒乓球的吗?
That cannot be true. 不可能吧。