生活大爆炸第八季 第97期:庆祝成就(在线收听

 You know what? This bottle was meant to celebrate an achievement. Let's make a pact. 不如这样,这瓶香槟本来就是要庆祝成就的。我们做个约定。

When one of us gets their first big breakthrough, we'll celebrate by opening this bottle of champagne and toasting Professor Abbott. 当我们中有人获得人生中第一次重大突破时,我们就打开这瓶香槟庆祝,并向罗杰·艾伯特致敬。
I love that. 我喜欢这主意。
Yeah, me, too. 我也是。
Then, of course, rubbing our success in Sheldon's face. - Oh, well, that's the best part. - Oh, yeah. 当然,还包括向谢尔顿炫耀我们的成果。-这是最精彩的部分。-没错。
Dan, could I talk to you for a minute? 丹,我能和你聊聊吗?
Sure, go ahead. 好的,说吧。
Just want you to know I didn't mean to be rude about your grandson. 我只是想告诉你,我不是故意侮辱你的孙子。
No, it's okay. 没关系。
No, it's not. Penny told me that everyone's scared of me. 不,有关系。佩妮告诉我,大家都怕我。
What? What? Why would she say that? You know she drinks, right? - What? 怎么会?怎么会?她为什么那么说?你知道她是酒鬼,会乱说话吧?-你说啥?
No, she's right, and I just want you to know that from now on, I'm gonna be much more sensitive. I don't want anyone walking on eggshells around me. 不,她说得对。我要让你知道,从现在起,我会多体会大家心情。我不想让大家在我面前如履薄冰。
Oh, well, okay, then, uh, one thing I've been meaning to tell you is that the company is gonna stop paying for our coffee. 那好吧。有件事我一直想告诉你,公司不再给我们提供免费的咖啡了。
No problem. When does that start? -Five months ago. 没问题。什么时候开始?-五个月前。
What? ! - Yeah. 什么?!-没错。
Who's been paying for my coffee? 那我的咖啡一直都是谁买的?
All of us. 我们大伙儿。
Yeah. It comes from the swear jar we put money in when you curse. 买咖啡的钱来自你一骂人我们就投钱进去的那个脏话罐。
What else don't I know about? 还有什么事是我不知道的?
Uh, well, you know your private bathroom? - Yeah? 你的私人卫生间。-怎么了?
That was supposed to be for the whole floor. 那应该是给整层楼的人使用的。
You're kidding. 你开什么玩笑。
No, no. It's okay. It only really affected wheelchair Kathy, and she's back in the hospital now, so it all worked out. 那个无所谓。其实只对轮椅妹凯西有影响,现在她已经回医院了,所以没什么问题了。