生活大爆炸第八季 第208期:蝙蝠侠毯子(在线收听

 How's it going, Sheldon? 进行得如何啊,谢尔顿?

Wonderful! I just finished hanging the lights. 棒极了!我刚刚把灯都挂上了。
Can I come in? 我可以进来吗?
Yes, oh, but enter through the side. Batman is a load-bearing blanket. 好呀,不过要从旁边进来。蝙蝠侠毯子是用来承重的。
Amazing. 好漂亮啊。
I know. This isn't the printout. This is my real face. 对吧。这可不是打印出来的哦,这是我发自内心的笑脸。
What are we doing? This is a fort. Let's sit on the floor. 我们干嘛呢?这里是堡垒,我们应该坐在地上。
Roughing it? Okay. Everything looks so big from down here. This must be how Leonard feels. 来野的吗?好呀。从这个角度看一切都变得好大。莱纳德平时一定就这感觉。
I'm surprised you could hear me with this Thin Mint in your ear! Yeah, pretty cool, huh? 你居然还能听见我说话,因为你的耳朵已经被薄荷糖塞住了!很厉害对不对?
Yeah. Anyway, I should probably get going. 对呀。总之,我应该告辞了。
Howie, have you noticed how often people say that when you start to do magic? 华仔,你注意到每次你玩魔术时大家都会说同样的话吗?
Sorry, I have a long drive. 抱歉,我要开很长的路回家。
Well, I hope I get to see you again. 希望能再次见到你。
I hope so, too. I've always dreamed of having a brother to play catch with. 我也希望。我一直梦想有哥哥能陪我一起玩抛接球。
Keep dreaming. 继续梦,别停。
Hey, I threw out the first pitch at an Angels game. -Wow! 我为天使队开过球。-哇哦!
He did it with a robot. 他拿机器人干的。
You had sex with a robot? 你干过机器人吗?
That's not what she meant. 她不是那个意思。
But technically, yes. 但你说得也没错。