跟踪者Stalker 第17期:诡异的家(在线收听

 What's going on tonight?  今晚什么安排

We're meeting at Tara's at midnight.  我们半夜会去塔拉家
Her parentsare in Cabo.  她父母去巴西卡博玩了
I can't. I'm babysittingmy brother.  我去不了,今晚我要照顾弟弟
Mom is on a date with a stockbroker.  妈妈和某个股票经纪约会去了
She's aiming high.  很高大上嘛
My mom is dating a yogi who only eats raw.  我妈的对象是个玩瑜伽的,他只吃生的东西
Thomas, you better be in that bed.  托马斯,你最好在床上躺着呢
I will tell mom.  不然我跟妈妈告你的状
I think my brother is up.  我觉得我弟弟起来了
Ah, it he really.  他又不肯好好睡觉
Damn it, Thomas.  该死,托马斯
That's weird.  奇怪
What?  怎么了
I heard something.  我明明听到了动静
What is it?  怎么回事
Maybe it's your stalker.  说不定是你的跟踪狂哦
No one believes me.  没人相信我的话
I swear someone has been following me around.  我发誓,最近真的有人在跟着我
They were lurking in the back yard last week.  上周有人潜进了我家后院
You don't have a stalker.  没人跟踪你
Famous people have stalkers.  名人才会被跟踪
You have a creeper with a crush.  最多就是有某些变态暗恋你
That qualifies as a stalker.  那和跟踪狂也差不多了
Chill out, Hannah.  放轻松,汉娜
Don't flatter yourself.  别自作多情了
What's going on?  怎么了
I heard something. Don't hang up.  我又听到动静,别挂电话
Ok. I'm here.  好,我在呢
Talk to me, Hannah.  说说话,汉娜
Hannah, you're scaring me.  汉娜,你吓到我了
Hannah?  汉娜
Hannah, what's going on?  汉娜,到底怎么了
I don't know.  我不知道
Hannah, what's going on?  汉娜,怎么了
The door is open.  门开了
Are you serious?  真的吗
Do you see anything?  看到什么了吗
I think someone is in the house.  我觉得有人进屋了
Oh my god, get out of there.  天啊,赶紧出去
I can't. I can't leave without Thomas.  不行,我不能丢下托马斯
If anything happens, call 911.  如果出了什么事,马上报警
Thomas? Thomas?  托马斯,托马斯
Thomas, where are you?  托马斯你在哪儿
Hannah?  汉娜
What are you doing, trying to scare me to death?  你干什么,想吓死我吗
There's someone in the house.  屋子里进来人了
Talk to me. What's happening? Hannah?  怎么了,到底怎么回事,汉娜
I'm calling the police.  我这就报警
Yes, yes. Call the police.I don't know what to do.  快报警,我不知道该怎么办了
Get out of the house, Hannah, now!  赶紧出去,汉娜,快
Get out of the house!  快出去
Oh, my god, he's in the house!  天啊,他进屋来了
Help! Help! Help!  救命,救命
Somebody help us!  快来人
Help!  救命