跟踪者Stalker 第57期:和受害者的谈话(在线收听

 You interview the victim?  你和受害者谈了吗

No. She's still pretty upset.  没有,她的情绪仍然很糟
Medics are stabilizing her blood pressure.  医生正在稳定她的血压
Any snake bites?  蛇咬到她了吗
No, and the guy from animal control said they weren't venomous. 动物管理局的人说那些蛇没有毒
How many snakes were there?  有多少条蛇
32 so far. We found a pillow case.  目前找到32条,我们发现一个枕套
That's how he carried them in.  凶手把蛇装在那里面
Same M.O. As the first attack...  与第一起攻击同样的手法
Terrify, not kill.  吓人,但不杀人
That woman was so scared,she passed out.  女受害者十分害怕,晕了过去
She didn't even see a face.  她连凶手的脸都没看到
He came prepared.S.I.D. found traces of bleach.  他事先做了准备,安全识别组发现了漂白剂
He scrubbed out another DNA deposit.  他又擦掉了DNA痕迹
He made entry through the window?  他是从窗户进来的吗
And exit.  任何入口都有可能
We found A grease stain on the window sill.  我们在窗台上发现了油迹
He's getting sloppy.  他没那么细心了
Maybe, but he's been watching her for a while.  或许吧,但他观察受害者有一段时间了
He knew her exact routine, time she went to sleep, everything. 他十分了解受害者的生活习惯,睡觉时间,全都了解
A sadistic serial stalker.  有虐待倾向的连环跟踪者
Bad combo.  不是什么好组合
He's going to be outdoing himself from one victim to the next for a bigger thrill. 他会变本加厉,会让下一个受害者更加害怕
This level of terror stalking is more in line with the acceleration process of a serial killer. 这种恐怖跟踪更像是连环杀手加速杀人的过程
He satiates his fixation with one victim, the moves on to a new obsession. 对一个受害者着迷,再寻找下一个受害者,让他很享受
Each attack was premeditated, one day apart. 每次攻击都是预谋好的相差一天
He probably has his next victim all picked out.  他很有可能已经选好了下一个目标
He knows exactly wha the's gonna do to her.  他非常清楚将要对她做什么
Miss Fleming.  弗莱明小姐
I'm lieutenant Beth Davis.  我是副队长贝丝·戴维斯
Can we talk?  我们谈谈好吗
Why didn't you guys help me before?  你们之前为什么不帮我
I filed a report with a cop a couple weeks ago.  几周前我向一位警察报告了
I know you did.Strange man was following you.  我知道,有陌生人跟踪你
He broke into my house.  他闯进了我的家
Nothing was missing but moved around.  什么都没丢,但家具换了地方
The officer who took that report thought it was just a break-in, 接到你报告的警官认为那只是非法闯入
So the threat wasn't assessed properly.  因此对威胁程度评估有误
Yeah. Well, if someone would have helped me in the first place,  可要是一开始就有人帮我
I wouldn't be sitting here right now.  我现在就不会这样了
You're right. I am so sorry this happened to you, and I'd be scared and mad, too. 你说得对,非常抱歉你遇到了这样的事,换作是我,我也会又害怕又生气
But I'm here to make it right.  但我是来解决这件事的
Did you see a face?  你看到凶手的长相了吗
No.  没有
Can you tell me what happened?  能给我描述一下发生了什么吗
I had just started to fall asleep. I felt something under the covers. 我刚躺下准备睡觉,就觉得被窝里有什么东西
It was a snake. I freaked. I fell out of my bed. 是蛇,我害怕极了,从床上掉了下去
There were snakes all over. It was awful, and then I saw him filming me. 到处都是蛇,太可怕了,然后我看到他在拍我
The camera was in front of his face.  摄像机就在他面前
Do you know who it could have been?  你知道那个人有可能是谁吗
I don't know. Whoever it was knew that I was afraid of snakes. 不知道.不管是谁,他知道我怕蛇
You're his second victim. The other girl looked like you. 你是他的第二个受害者了,第一个女孩和你有些像
He surprised her in her home, too.  他也在那个女孩家里吓唬她
We think that she met him on a site... norulesdating. 我们认为他们是在一个网站上认识的,"无规则约会"
Are you on that, too?  你也上过那个网站吗
I'm on twosoulsconnect.com.  我上的是"心有灵犀"
OK. I'm gonna need your account info.  好的,我需要你的账户信息
What if he comes back?  他要是再回来怎么办
We don't think that he will. He got what he needed from you. 我们觉得他不会。他已经从你这里得到他想要的了