跟踪者Stalker 第62期:深入虎穴(在线收听

 He finally finds her, and she disappears into her tower, which triggers the other attacks.  他好不容易找到她,她却搬去高层躲起来了,进而诱发了其他袭击事件

He could have her, so he went after other women.  他得不到她,所以转而袭击其他女性
His sick mind was helping Angela conquer her fear by raping her, 他的变态思维认为强奸安吉拉是在帮她克服恐惧,
but with the new victims, it's about exposing them to their fears 但对新的受害者来说,他是要让她们面对自己最大的恐惧
so he can re-createthe high he felt when he raped Angela.  以此找回他强奸安吉拉时感受到的刺激
She's the genesis victim, his first.  她是起始受害者,他的第一个受害者
She'll always bespecial.  一直都会是特别的存在
I think he's still at that abandoned building, reliving it over and over again. 我觉得他还会去那栋废弃的大楼里,不停重现第一次犯罪的情形
Angela thinks so, and I'm inclined to believe her.  安吉拉是这么认为的,我也相信她
Call Ben. See if the address is in the old case file.  打给本,看旧案底里有没有那大楼的地址
A third victim?  第三个受害者
Fear of drowning.  她对溺水心存恐惧
He weighted her down.  他把她按死在水里
This one's a live feed.  这是即时录像
We have to find her location.  我们得尽快找到她的所在
See the padding on the walls?  看见墙上的衬垫了吗
He sound proofed the room.  他把房间改造成隔音的了
So no one could hear her scream.  这样没人能听见她的尖叫
Coffee's warm. He's still here.  咖啡还是暖的,他还在这里
We need to lock down the building now.  我们得马上封锁全楼
You're welcome.  不客气