跟踪者Stalker 第77期:发现石墙的秘密(在线收听

 Laurie is in trouble, man.You got to find her.  劳丽有麻烦了,你们得找到她

Walk me through it.  跟我说说具体情况
He was waiting in the bathroom, and I was sick. 他在厕所里等着,我当时在吐
I heard something behind me, and I turned, and he hit me. 听到身后有动静,就转过身,他就动手打了我
Did you see the face of the person who hit you?  你看到凶手的脸了吗
Yeah. I got a look at him.  是的,看到了
Is that him?  是他吗
No.  不是
How about that?  这个呢
Yeah. That's him.  对,就是他
Bobby, you're gonna give your statement to an officer right here.  波比,你给警察做个口供
They've searched the house repeatedly, roadblocks, door-to-doors, no progress. 他们反复搜查了房子,设了路障,一家家询问,还没进展
Where would he go?  他会去哪里
Exactly. Where would he go? 就是啊。他会去哪呢
Greg Miner could suffer from fixation regression.  格雷格·迈纳可能对过去有着病态痴迷
After his wife committed suicide, he became obsessed with the house 在他妻子自杀之后,他就对这房子陷入执迷
because he couldn't accept the traumatic loss.  因为他不能接受损伤性损失
So in haunting his house,  所以徘徊在房子周围
he stays connected to his wife, at least in spirit. 就能感觉到和妻子的联系,至少是精神上的
The house exercises agravitational pull on him.  这房子对他有强烈的吸引力
He can't escape its orbit,  他无法逃离它的轨道
and anyone who enters the house he perceives as a threat to his wife.  任何走进屋子的人,都被他看作是对妻子有威胁的人
Why take Laurie?  为什么带走劳丽
He's escalating.  行为激化了
I mean, the guy asked them politely, he haunted them, scared them, told them to get out. 他曾有礼貌地请求她们,跟踪她们,吓唬她们,让她们出去
They didn't. They threw a party instead.  她们不听,反而办了个派对
I found the voodoo stuff in the outer stone wall here.  我当时在这里发现了觋术的东西
Stone here, stone wall over here.  这有石墙,这也是石墙
Greg was a contractor. He renovated the place.  格雷格是承包商,他整修过这里
Stone here.  这也是石墙
Where are you going with this, Jack?  你这是要干什么,杰克
Drywall.  纸面石膏板