跟踪者Stalker 第79期:女警官的秘密(在线收听

 Trick or treat.  不给糖就捣乱

I don't think this is a good idea, Janice.  我觉得这不是好主意,詹妮丝
Calm down. This isn't a booty call.  冷静,今天不是来约炮的
It's not?  不是吗
No. It's not.  不是
The sex was great and all,  虽然和你做爱很棒
but I get this feeling, this sense  但我有种感觉
that what you need more than sex is a friend. 比起性爱,你更需要的是朋友
Seatle Psychiatric Hospital.  西雅图精神病院
This is Michelle Webber.  我是米歇尔·韦伯
I'm calling to confirm whether patient 5679 is still in custody there. 我想确认5679号病人是否还被拘留在那里
What did you say your name is?  你说你叫什么
Michelle Webber.  米歇尔·韦伯
I'm on the notification list.  我在通知表上
Yes. I see your name here.  是的,我看到你名字了
Patient 5679 is still in custody. 5679号病人尚在拘留中
Has he had any visitors?  他有什么访客吗
No.  没有