跟踪者Stalker 第81期:警方介入调查(在线收听

 All right. Hey, you got your homework?  好了,作业拿了吗

Yes. Books? 拿了.书呢
Yes. Oh, I forgot my lunch.  带了,但午饭没带
Get in the car. I'll get it.  上车吧,我去拿
Hey. It's you again.  你好,又见面了
Just morning run.  我在晨跑
You live around here?  你住在这附近吗
Yeah.  是的
I'm Ethan.  我叫伊森
Wesley.  我是韦斯利
Nice to meet you, Wesley.  很高兴认识你,韦斯利
Those boys from Halloween still giving youtrouble?  万圣节那几个小孩还找你麻烦吗
Nah. You pretty much fixed them.  没有,都被你搞定了
Good. Headed to school?  太好了,去上学吗
Yeah.  对
Where's your mom?  你妈妈呢
She had court this morning, so her boyfriend Trent is taking me. 她今早要上庭,所以今天是她男朋友特伦特送我
You don't like him?  你不喜欢他吗
He's ok, I guess.  还行吧
Ethan, let's go.  伊森,走吧
Ok. Coming. I got to...go.  好的,来了,我要走了
You don't talk to strangers.  别和陌生人说话
He's not. He lives around here.  他不是陌生人,他就住这附近
Morning. Morning. 早上好。好。
Nice house.  房子不错啊
Very. Belongs to Andrea Brown.  相当啊,户主是安德莉亚·布朗
She filed a report with us two weeks ago. I handled it. 她两周前曾向我们申报过,是我负责的
We obtaineda restraining order against her ex-husband, and he was being a good boy until last night. 我们给她的前夫下了限制令,昨晚之前,他一直挺老实的
I read the police report, breaking and entering, vandalism. 我看了警方记录,非法闯入,还有乱涂乱画吗
Is this what you call LA Art?  这就是你们所谓的洛杉矶艺术
You're funny.  你真搞笑
Andrea Brown runs the board for the Doheny museum art project. 安德莉亚·布朗是多悉尼博物馆一个艺术项目的董事会主席
It's a fancy nonprofit that raises money  是一项很棒的非盈利项目
for various charities by auctioning off the work of new and important artists. 通过拍卖新兴艺术家的作品为各类慈善机构筹集资金
Is thata real job?  这也算正经工作
Philanthropy. Andrea is independently wealthy due to a fat divorce settlement. 这叫慈善。安德莉亚个人之所以这么富有是因为一笔昂贵的离婚赡养费
So an angry ex is behind this.  所以是前夫不满吗
Yes-- Kenneth Brown. He's a real estate developer.  没错,肯尼斯·布朗,一名地产商
He made a fortune in the nineties, happy couple until-- 九十年代赚了一笔,原本是幸福的一对
He cheated on her, and she took him for everythinghe had.  他出轨,于是妻子让他净身出户
She got it all, including the dog.  财产全归她,包括狗
All he got was a bad real estate market, debt, and the fake blond with the fake tan and the fake boobies. 他只得到一块不怎样的地产市场,累累负债,以及一个假金发,假肤色,假咪咪的小女友
Seriously, that sounds like some horrible LA cliche.  真的吗,听着像是狗血到家的洛杉矶桥段
We love cliches. We live them, make movies about them. 人人都爱狗血。靠它们过活,把它们拍成电影
It's the LA way of life. You'll get the hang of it. 这就是洛杉矶生活,你会慢慢懂的
You called them boobies?  你刚刚说,咪咪
It's daytime, Jack. I try to keep it G-rated.  大白天的,杰克,别说那些儿童不宜的