跟踪者Stalker 第94期:杰克向贝丝吐露实情(在线收听

 Beth. Do you have a moment? 贝丝,你有时间吗

Not if it involves words like  我可没空听你说什么
"I'm sorry, why didn't I see it?" "我很抱歉,没有考虑周全"
or any other such blame game lingo about how you didn't know Andrea Brown was behind all this. 或是其他推卸责任的话,"没想到安德莉亚·布朗才是幕后黑手"
I guess I don't need a moment.  那我就不占用你的时间了
Janice, go home, open some wine, listen to Stevie Nicks. 詹妮丝,回家喝点酒听听史蒂薇·尼克斯
We had a great day.  今天表现很不错
Thank you, Beth. Good night.  谢谢你,贝丝,晚安
Good night.  晚安
It's Pearl Jam.  是珍珠果酱乐队的碟子
Nothing against the Carpenters, but it might be time to step into a new decade. 不是我对卡彭特乐队有意见,但是你也该进入新纪元了
Cool.  好吧
You work long hours.  你总是加班
I like what I do.  我热爱我的工作
Do you even have a personal life?  你有私生活吗
What do you want, Jack?  你想干什么,杰克
I have a problem. It involves Deputy D.A.Amanda Taylor. 我有问题。跟副检察官阿曼达·泰勒有关
What about her?  跟她有什么关系
We had a relationship back in New York.  我们在纽约时交往过一段时间
She got pregnant, had a kid.  她怀孕了,生了个儿子
I denied it was mine for years.  多年来我一直否认他是我的亲生骨肉
Back then, I wasn't much of a father.  之前,我算不上什么好父亲
I wasn't around, I was--I was horrible.  一直不在家,简直糟糕透顶
Amanda and I had a complicated relationship...  我和阿曼达之间的感情很复杂
Up and down, in and out of eachother's lives,  若离若即,时好时坏,如同彼此生命的过客
and she transferred to L.A. to get away from me, but here I am. 她申请调来洛杉矶是为了离开我,但我又跟来了
Is that it?  说完了吗
No. I made other mistakes while I was in New York,  不,我在纽约时还犯过其他的错误
things in my past that could still hurt me, jeopardize my career. 想起来依旧让人难受的往事,而且会危及我的事业
Fix it.  自己解决
I don't know if it can be fixed.  我不知道这事能否被解决
I wouldn't know where to begin.  我无从下手
Well, the truth seems to be working for you.  可以先从说实话开始
Today anyway. Fix it, Jack. 照今天的情况看来。把事情解决好,杰克
I'd hate to lose you. You're good. 我不想失去你这组员,你是挺厉害的