跟踪者Stalker 第95期:杰克恳求前妻(在线收听

 Here we go again.  又来了

Just a minute, please.  给我一分钟时间,拜托
There's nothing more to talk to you about, Jack.  我没什么要和你谈的了,杰克
I've got a meeting with Beth in the morning.  我约了明早去见贝丝
Amanda, I... My father died. 3 months ago. 阿曼达,我...我父亲去世了。在三个月前
I didn't know.  这事我并不知情
He wasn't such a good guy. You knew that. 他也不是什么好人,这你也知道
And neither am I.  我也不是什么好人
I am sorry for your loss,  你节哀顺变
but whatever your grief is coughing up right now doesn't concern me. 但不论你的丧亲之痛让你如何有感而发,我都毫不在乎
I get it. You blame your father for all of yourbad behavior, and you should. 我懂,你想把自己的行为赖到你父亲头上,这也情有可原
He didn't give you one tool to cope within this world,  他从未教过你任何生存技能
but I don't blame your father. I only blame you. 但我不怪你父亲,我只怨你
I know I hurt you, and I can't undo it, but this is it, Amanda. I'm begging you. 我知道我伤害了你,覆水难收。但下不为例,阿曼达。我求求你
I can change my life. I know I can. 我能改变我的人生。我知道自己能做到
I promise you I'll stay away from Ethan. Please just let me stay. 我保证我会远离伊森,拜托让我留下来
I can make it here, I can make it work.  在这里我能改过自新,重头再来
I know I can. I can prove it.  我知道我能做到更好
Maybe--maybe not today or tomorrow, but one day, you'll see. 也许一时半会看不出来,但总有一天,你会看到
See what?  看到什么
A different man.  一个不同的我
And what's gonna happen then?  到时候又能怎样呢
I don't know. We're not there yet, but anything could happen. Change brings change. 我也不知道,还没走到那一步,但一切皆有可能。星星之火可以燎原
You're right. I haven't been a good father, but maybe one day, I-I can be. 你说得对,我不是个好父亲,但也许有一天我能成为称职的父亲
You won't have a sitter, and Trent will be working,  也许哪天你需要保姆,特伦特又得上班
and you'll need someone to take care of Ethan.  你需要找人来照顾伊森
Maybe you'll pick up the phone and call me, and I can--I can take him to eat or a movie. 也许你可以打电话给我,我可以带他出去吃饭看电影
That's not gonna happen, Jack.  绝不可能,杰克
Ok. Let me stay anyway. 好吧。至少让我留下来吧
I got nowhere else to go.  我已经无处可去了
I don't know, Jack.  这我说不好,杰克
My minute's up.  一分钟时间结束了
You listened. That's all I could hope for.  你听我说了,我不敢奢望更多