跟踪者Stalker 第102期:狗仔队(在线收听

 Bruce, what's wrong? What are you doing? 布鲁斯,怎么了?你在干吗

I'm tired, Lily.  我累了,莉莉
I've done everything I know to make you love me.  为了让你爱我,我已经做尽了一切
I can't compete with a phantom,  我无法跟个幽灵竞争
and if can't have you, well, he's not gonna have you either.  如果我得不到你,他也别想得到你
Yeah. I should have known you'd show up.  我早该知道你会出现的
You're a dead man. Make that a dead freak.  你死定了,你这个变态死定了
Bruce! Paul, careful! 布鲁斯!保罗,小心
Paul! Paul! Be careful!  保罗,保罗,小心
Paul, Paul! Ok. Stop it, stop! 保罗,保罗,好了!住手,住手
Stop it, both of you! Paul! Paul? Paul! Be careful! 你们俩都给我住手!保罗,保罗,保罗!小心
I'm not the guy you're looking for.  我不是你要找的人
Oh, really? Most paparazzi jump from celebrity to celebrity,  是吗,大多数狗仔队都换着明星追
but you stick with Nina day and night.  但是你没日没夜地跟着妮娜
What can I say? I've always had a unique talent all my energy on one task. 我能说什么呢,我一直都有这种专注一致的才能
Yeah. Some would call that an obsession.  是啊,有些人称之为痴迷
Your wife divorced you last month right after you started focusing on Nina. 上个月,你开始专注于妮娜之后,你妻子就跟你离婚了
What does that have to do with anything?  这是两码事
It's classic transference.  这是典型的移情
You get your heart broken, then you turn your attention to someone new. 你心碎了,于是就把注意力转到另一个人身上
You spend all your time following Nina.  你把所有时间都花在追踪妮娜上
It's understandable you start to feel like you know her. 于是自然而然你觉得自己似乎认识她
It's my job to follow Nina.  追踪妮娜是我的工作
Well, maybe it started as a job and turned into a fixation. 也许最初是份工作,后来转变成一种迷恋
Next thing you know, you're breaking into her house just to get close to her. 还没反应过来,你已经闯入她家,只为了拉近和她的距离
Look, that wasn't me, OK?  听着,这不是我干的
I stick with Nina because my ex-wife left me knee-deep in debt, 我跟踪妮娜是因为我前妻留一屁股债给我
and Nina's my cash cow.  而妮娜就是我的摇钱树
A shot of her in short shorts at Runyon gets me 500 bucks. 一张她在鲁尼恩山谷穿着超短裤的照片,我就能得到500美元
A bad hair day brings in a thou.  一张衣冠不整的照片能换一千块
Nina's what they call in my world a sure thing.  妮娜毫无疑问是这圈子里的红人
Why is that you get all the best shots before anyone else?  你为何总能赶在人前拍到更好的照片
I got a source, OK?  我有线人,可以吗
Someone tells me where Nina's gonna be.  有人通知我妮娜的行程
What's his name?  这个线人叫什么
Heh. It's the wild west out there, man.  老兄,这可是狂野的美国西部
TMZ's got eye's everywhere.  到处都是名人八卦网的眼线
I need every advantage I can get.  我需要把握住每一个优势
You saying you'd rather go down for something you didn't do?  那你意思是宁愿背黑锅坐牢吗
No. I'm saying I want a lawyer.  不,我意思是我需要一位律师
You know, you come in and out of my life. I feel like a booty call. 你这样来来去去,我觉得自己像你的炮友
Really? Oh, that's funny, because I feel exactly the same way. You did call me. 真的吗,有趣的是我也这么觉得。是你打电话叫我来的
Ha ha! OK. Guilty. I just wanted to see you. 好吧,我的错。我只是想见见你
It's like you're my own private little toy.  你就像是我包养的小白脸
Hmm. I don't have a problem with that.  我对这个没意见
You know, I really like you.  你要知道,我真的很喜欢你
Just as long as you don't take it too seriously.  只要你别把这关系看得太认真
This is supposed to be light and fun.  这只是为了轻松和快乐