跟踪者Stalker 第118期:威尔克斯警探欲插手(在线收听

 Hey, Beth. You got a sec?  贝丝,现在有空吗

Yeah. Detective Wilkes, come on in.  有的,威尔克斯警探,进来吧
I, uh, understand you paid a visit to Chad hewitt this morning. 我知道你今天早上拜访了查德
That's right. How'd you know that?  没错,你怎么知道的
Well, I'm part of a task force that's been surveilling him for a couple of months now. 我是特别小组的成员,专门负责监视他,到现在已经有两个月了
Hewitt's been building a group of neo-nazis in the valley successfully. 休伊特在山里成功建立了一个新纳粹组织
He keeps the violent members compartmentalized from the political, but, yeah, he's building an army, 他把暴力成员和党派成员分隔开了,但是,他确实在组建军队
and we want to take it down.  所以我们想把他们击垮
He's using that army to stalk a family.  他用自己的军队来跟踪一个家庭
We're trying to protect them.  我们正在努力保护他们
The task force is trying to protect an entire community. 特别小组努力保护的是整个社区
Isn't your guy a skinhead anyway?  反正这个人也是光头党
He's reformed. He's not that guy anymore.  他改过自新了,不同以往
Well, people only change so much, don't you think, Jack? 江山易改,本性难移,不是吗,杰克
Are you telling us to stay away from Chad?  你是在让我们远离查德吗
I don't think this has to become adversarial.  我认为这没必要变成一场竞争
Then stay out of it.  那就别插手
I'm trying to cut the head off this beast, not get Hewitt on some misdemeanor 我是在努力根除这些党羽,而不是以小罪名把休伊特关起来
so he can just get back out in 6 months.  六个月后又把他放出来
And if you spook him now, he may pull back from his plans. 如果你们现在惊动他,他可能会打消原本的计划
Well, good. Because that's what we do here, and hopefully we stop him from killing someone. Anything else? 那正好,因为这正是我们的职责,希望能阻止他闹出人命。还有事吗
Always a pleasure.  谈话愉快
I had to get out of the neighborhood.  我不得不远离小区
I was starting to feel all cooped up, so I just brought him to the playground. 我开始有种被禁锢的感觉,所以我就把他带来运动场
Well, he seems fine. I mean, he's already made a few friends.  他看着很好,已经交到一些朋友了
I don't know. I don't know. I might talk to my sister, see if we can stay with her. 我不知道,不清楚。我可以和我姐姐谈谈,看能不能和她住
Mark wants us to. Yeah.  马克希望我们去,是啊
I got it!  我去拿