跟踪者Stalker 第119期:兰登遇到陌生人(在线收听

 Hey. You looking for this, little guy?  你是在找这个吗,小家伙

Yeah. I'm trying to figure out what to do.  我也在想该怎么办
Um, I got to call you back, ok? Ok.  我回头再打给你好吗
Landon? Landon? Landon? 兰登?兰登?兰登?
My dad has one of those. He says it means a bad thing. 我爸爸也有这样的纹身。他说这代表的是坏事
Aw, it's not bad. It's a symbol of strength and power just like your dad. 不是坏事。这是一种力量和强大的标志,就像你爸爸一样
Ah. Don't be in such a hurry, buddy. Do you like motorcycles? 别急,小家伙。你喜欢摩托车吗
Because, you know, if you want to ride a motorcycle, you should tell your dad to come see me. 因为如果你想骑摩托,就该让你爸爸来找我
Landon, get over here!  兰登,过来这里
You got a brave boy there.  你的儿子很勇敢
What do you want?  你想做什么
I was just keeping him company. He was here all alone. 我只是陪陪他。他刚才一个人
Society is full of unsavory people.  社会上到处是可怕的人
As a mother, you should be more careful.  作为母亲,你应该更加小心
Leave us alone.  离我们远点
It was nice to meet you.  很高兴见到你
You, too, buddy.  我也是,小家伙